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  2. GPuzzles is directed towards the people interested in puzzles, riddles, and quiz and is suitable for a wide array of people as they cater for all IQ levels.

  3. 50 Matchstick Puzzles With Answers | Genius Puzzles


    50 Matchstick Puzzles With Answers : We have compiled list of matchstick puzzles in which you need to complete equation, move matchsticks to solve bra

  4. Hard Rebus Brain Teasers With Answers | Genius Puzzles


    Are you tired of solving easy pictograms? This section of Hard Rebus Brain Teasers has been framed out especially for you.

  5. Optical Illusion Puzzles With Answers | Genius Puzzles


    Mystery Puzzle And Riddles; Funny Puzzles And Riddles; Picture Brain Teasers ; Number Series;

  6. Matchstick Puzzles With Answers | Genius Puzzles


    We have compiled list of matchstick puzzles in which you need to complete equation, move matchsticks to solve brain teasers or counting squares rectan

  7. Infosys Interview Puzzles - Aptitude Questions | Genius Puzzles


    Infosys Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #1 - Infosys Interview Statement Problems With Answer Difficulty Popularity A car company carried out a survey on the twenty five new cars being sold at a dealer's showroom in order to check if the cars were installed with air conditioning, music player and power windows.

  8. How Many Triangles Are There Puzzles


    Solve the brain teaser by counting the number of triangles in the picture below.

  9. How Many Squares Puzzles | Genius Puzzles


    Counting those similar geometrical figures have always been fun. Right from the childhood days to the entrance examination or government qualifying ex

  10. Picture Brain Teasers And Answers | Genius Puzzles


    A woman has been found on the bathroom floor with three people near her body: A) The caretaker B) The waitress C) The chef

  11. What is It Puzzle | Genius Puzzles


    It looks square from outside. It looks round when opened. It looks triangle when taken out. What is It? - To to brush up your brain we have all the puzzles at one