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Hitting the road soon? Check our live traffic updates to see if your route is clear.
Here’s your daily look at traffic on major highways in the Kansas City area. This article is being continuously updated. You’ll find a running list of past incidents at the bottom of this ...
Right lane on I-635 closed in Kansas City The right lane is closed between US-24/State Avenue/Exit 5 and K-32/Kansas Avenue/Exit 3 on southbound I-635. The impacted road section is 0.63 miles long.
Kansas City: I-635 North closed There is a road closure at I-635 North and I-635 North. The traffic alert was reported Thursday at 7 p.m., and the last update regarding this incident was released ...
Kansas 5 closed in Kansas City The road is closed from Leavenworth Road to I-435 North in Kansas City. The report was issued Tuesday at 9:05 p.m., and the last update regarding this incident was ...
The road is closed at North Manchester Avenue and I-435 North in Kansas City. The traffic alert was issued Monday at 3:07 p.m., and the latest update about this incident was released on Monday at ...
The road is closed between I-670 East and West 18th Street in Kansas City. The event impacts 230 feet. The traffic alert was released Wednesday at 1:23 p.m., and the last update concerning this ...
Lane on I-635 closed in Kansas City One lane is closed from US-24/State Avenue/Exit 5 to K-32/Kansas Avenue/Exit 3 on southbound I-635. The impacted road section is 0.94 miles long.