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Our half marathon training plans are designed for everyone from beginning to experienced runners, and for every lifestyle. They’ve each been designed and signed off by running coaches; the mileage load and weekly increase is designed to minimize injury and maximize conditioning.
Each of the training plans below contain a variety of sessions including long runs, easy runs and speed work, as well as scheduled rest days to make sure that you recover properly.
Discover Hal Higdon's top-selling interactive half-marathon training programs, which promote a combination of endurance and speed while preparing for your next 13.1 mile race. Find the right program for your experience level here.
The Half-Marathon is a great race to challenge and celebrate you as a runner and athlete. This 6 to 14-week plan will teach you how to improve strength, build endurance, and run smarter with a variety of runs designed to make sure you feel ready for race day.
By following through with a half marathon training schedule, you’ll gain more confidence and be able to keep the butterflies in your stomach away on race day! How Do I Choose A Half Marathon Training Plan?
Our 12-week training plan is designed to have you increase your mileage safely, overuse injuries like runner’s knee and plantar fasciitis do happen – especially if you increase your mileage too much, too quickly. That’s why it’s really important that you don’t try and go from couch to half marathon in eight weeks.
With a half marathon less than three months away, this 10-week training plan will get you ready to run 13.1 miles successfully – and with minimal injuries.