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  2. Repair of a Rectocele and an Enterocele : You Be the Coder - AAPC


    The documentation clearly supports both the repair of a rectocele and an enterocele. Therefore, you would bill both codes 57268 (Repair of enterocele, vaginal approach (separate procedure)) and 57250 (Posterior colporrhaphy, repair of rectocele with or without perineorrhaphy). However, as 57250 has greater relative value units than 57268, you ...

  3. Pinpoint Correct Hysterectomy Coding - AAPC Knowledge Center


    Anterior colporrhaphy (57240 Anterior colporrhaphy, repair of cystocele with or without repair of urethrocele, including cystourethroscopy, when performed) involves the bladder; a posterior colporrhaphy (57250 Posterior colporrhaphy, repair of rectocele with or without perineorrhaphy) involves the rectal area.

  4. Wiki - Help! Colpocleisis, Levator plication w/ Perineorrhaphy...


    57250 Posterior colporrhaphy, repair of rectocele with or without perineorrhaphy Code 57250 is intended to report rectocele repair by colporrhaphy. The approach is a posterior midline incision of the vaginal mucosa and may include the perineum. The diverging fibers of the rectovaginal fascia are repaired and brought to midline.

  5. Wiki Vaginal Hysterectomy, Anterior Colporrhaphy - AAPC


    The decision was made to proceed with the anterior colporrhaphy. Pitressin was injected after 2 Allis clamps were used to tent up the redundant anterior vaginal mucosa. The incision was made with the scalpel. The anterior vaginal wall and the pelvic fascia was released from the vaginal fascia using Metzenbaum scissors and sharp dissection.

  6. Colpopexy, Colporrhaphy | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC


    Hi there, just a note that this part - " A Capio suture device was used to place 2 stitches of 0-PDS, through the sacrospinous ligament, 2 cm medial to the ischial spine, avoiding the pudendal neurovascular bundle. " is part of the work for the suspension, not the anterior/posterior repair.

  7. Location and Approach Matter Most for Prolapse Repairs - AAPC


    Your physician will perform either an anterior colporrhaphy or a paravaginal defect repair, so you'll have to choose between two procedure codes. Weigh Your Add-On Option for Anterior Colporrhaphy. For an anterior colporrhaphy, use 57240 (Anterior colporrhaphy, repair of cystocele with or without repair of urethrocele). If the ob-gyn also ...

  8. Colpocleisis, Levator plication w/ Perineorrhaphy vs ant/post colporrhaphy 57260 Your auditor is right cystocele is the anterior, rectocele is posterior enterocele was also done [I][COLOR=#2969b0]57265 combined anteroposterior colporrhaphy, includes cystourethroscopy, when perform...

  9. Vaginal Hysterectomy, Anterior Colporrhaphy [b]New to GYN - Bundling update info requested re: 52000 billed with 51860 and 58260[/b] [QUOTE="preserene, post: 136662, member: 113753"]Yes perfect . Now, the procedures undertaken are Vaginal Hys...

  10. Don’t Let Your Coding Skills Lapse on This Prolapse Case - AAPC


    Code 57250 (Posterior colporrhaphy, repair of rectocele with or without perineorrhaphy) is also appropriate with proper documentation from the practitioner. CPT ® +57267 ( Insertion of mesh or other prosthesis for repair of pelvic floor defect, each site (anterior, posterior compartment), vaginal approach (List separately in addition to code ...

  11. Follow 4 Steps to Reliable Rectocele Repair Coding : Procedure...


    Caution: Code 45560, which is listed in CPT ® ’s Digestive System/Surgery section under Rectum, has slightly higher relative value units (RVUs) than the posterior colporrhaphy code 57250 (45560 has facility RVUs of 19.77 versus 17.04 RVUs for 57250). Be careful to bill the correct rectocele repair code based on the approach used and avoid ...