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  2. Colored Brain


    We have identified four unique processes related to the amounts of neurotransmitters produced by specific genes and made it Simple to use and apply through the Colored Brain model.

  3. The Directive Communication™ Colored Brain psychometric model by Arthur Carmazzi is the organization of the different classifications of “genetic neuro-processing” and defines the way each person experiences their environment and takes in and interprets information, which results in specific ways of perceiving and evaluating events and ...

  4. What is Colored Brain™


    Our Brain Color (Ambiguity Relief) makes up about 27% of the way function in our world. One color differs from the other colors in the way they process information, take action, learn, communicate, problem-solve, act and react in teams, and become stressed.

  5. The Green Brain - Chaotic Processing by Arthur Carmazzi


    Colored Brain model is based on genetic neuro-processing that affects perception and communication interaction in our world. It’s not about personality or personality assessment. We have four different kinds of Brain processors – Green, Red, Purple and Blue.

  6. Linear Brain Processing for Clarity by Arthur Carmazzi - Colored...


    Colored Brain is based on neuropsychology research originated by Arthur Carmazzi. The observations of the characteristics of the red brain Ambiguity Relief process is applied in team organization, cooperation, efficiency enhancement, and communication through the Colored Brain Model.

  7. What is the CBCI™ Psychometric Test? - Colored Brain™


    Developed by Arthur Carmazzi, the CBCI™ (Colored Brain Communication Inventory) is a psychometric profiling tool unlike others. It is different because the focus of CBCI does NOT to try to assess Personality or combine both Nature and Nurture in one psychometric profiling tool.

  8. Colored Brain to improve communication skills - Arthur Carmazzi


    Colors of the brain in classification of genetic neuro-processing to maximize our capacity act intelligently and improve communication skills.

  9. Benefits of Colored Brain Psychometric tools - Arthur Carmazzi


    By knowing the colored brain of people who you are teaching or instructing, or even only by knowing that there are multiple colored brains, you can design curriculums in a way that will support all the different styles of learning.

  10. What is the CBCI - Colored Brain


    The CBCI™ is the Psychometric Profiling Component of the Colored Brain. How does CBCI Compare? By identifying the fundamental patterns in the way our brain genetically processes the world around us, we overcome misunderstanding, conflict, and wastage of individual and group potential.

  11. The Colored Brain Communication Inventory


    Effectiveness, a model was formed and then statistically tested across 60 different corporate and 6 cultural environments with over 8,000 people. The result: The Colored Brain Communication Inventory (CBCI) – a tool to improve personal and work relationships and promote better decisions.