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  2. Online Coloring Games


    Here you can paint in color by numbers coloring books online, right from your web browser. Every picture is available in three modes: easy, difficult, and numberless. Besides, it’s impossible to color the coloring books incorrectly.

  3. Online Fairies Coloring Game - coloritbynumbers.com


    Printable Coloring Pages. Online Games. Educational Apps for Kids. Color by Numbers; Coloring Online; Coloring Games; Printable Coloring Pages; Buy

  4. Online Christmas Coloring Game - coloritbynumbers.com


    Printable Coloring Pages. Online Games. Educational Apps for Kids. Color by Numbers; Coloring Online; Coloring Games; Printable Coloring Pages; Buy

  5. Color by Numbers


    Paint by numbers - an interactive coloring book for children. This mathematical game teaches children to recognize numbers and solve simple mathematical examples. In addition, this program develops memory, attention, imagination, and logical abilities.

  6. Flowers Coloring Online - coloritbynumbers.com


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  7. Christmas Coloring Game


    “Color It By Numbers is great for any preschool age child who is learning either their numbers or colors. It is also great for older children who enjoy the creative aspect of choosing their own colors and using their imagination.”

  8. Educational Apps for Kids


    “Kids love art and kids love computers. These coloring page programs from Color It By Numbers are a great way to provide something safe for your child to do on the computer that will let her practice some basic computer skills while having some artistic fun!”

  9. Animal Coloring Game


    The jolly and funny animals seem impatient for you to paint them with your favorite colors. Selecting a difficult coloring mode will make coloring by number even more exciting. In this mode, the outlines of animals are barely discernible, leaving you guessing as to which particular animal you are coloring.

  10. To print an image, click on it, then click the «Print» button under the image on a new page. This will start the printing process. Every page is available in three modes: simple, difficult, and without numbers. Before printing, you can change the default colors on every page.

  11. Princess Coloring Games for Girls - coloritbynumbers.com


    Both young princesses and their mothers will find the Princess Coloring Game to their liking. Here you will encounter the most extraordinary and outlandish princesses from the world over. Prance into their magical world and paint their dresses with preset colors or your favorite ones.