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If 67 is when you reach FRA and you claim Social Security at 62, your monthly benefits are reduced by about 30%. Of course, the upside of claiming Social Security at 62 is getting your money sooner.
If you're worried that you can't live on your savings alone without help from Social Security, and finding other income sources isn't an option, you should claim at 62.
The point is simply to not call claiming benefits at 62 an automatic risk -- because when you think about it, claiming Social Security at any given age over another carries inherent risk.
One of the most important retirement planning decisions you'll make in your golden years is when to apply for Social Security.The most popular age to claim retirement benefits, by far, is 62, the ...
An investor weighing taking Social Security benefits at the age of 62 rather than waiting to reach her full retirement age.
However, if you’re born after 1960 and claim Social Security benefits before your full retirement age, you’d only receive a $91.35 increase in monthly benefits. Working in Retirement Will ...
Once you turn 70, though, there's no financial incentive to delay your Social Security filing, so 70 is often regarded as the latest age to claim benefits, even though you can file at 75, 83, or ...
The Social Security Administration allows you to claim checks at 62. But if you want the full benefit you've earned based on your work history, you must wait until your full retirement age (FRA) .