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A stretched polar vortex event played a significant role in the Arctic outbreak that froze Texas in February 2021, killing more than 200 people, according to a 2020 study.
'Chicago Beach Keeps Locals Warm During Polar Vortex' – video new report from Voice of America. Chicago river frozen during 2019 polar vortex February 1, 2019. In the Chicago area, temperatures plummeted as low as −23 °F (−31 °C) at O'Hare International Airport on January 30, with a windchill of −52 °F (−47 °C).
Polar vortex. It's a phrase that becomes very popular has achieved buzzword status and is often used frequently during the winter as the Northern Hemisphere endures its coldest months of the year ...
" The polar vortex is defined as a mass of cold air that is tightly bound to polar regions by strong counterclockwise winds known as the polar jet stream," Thornton explained.
Meanders of the Northern Hemisphere's jet stream developing around the northern polar vortex (a, b) and finally detaching a "drop" of cold air (c). Orange: warmer masses of air; pink: jet stream; blue: colder masses of air.
When the polar vortex is strong, the mid-latitude Westerlies (winds at the surface level between 30° and 60° latitude from the west) increase in strength and are persistent. When the polar vortex is weak, high-pressure zones of the mid-latitudes may push poleward, moving the polar vortex, jet stream, and polar front equatorward. The jet ...
The culprit is the dreaded polar vortex, a climate phenomenon associated with bitter cold snaps that usually have the good sense to occur during late fall or winter.
- The polar vortex doesn't always mean snow: Temperatures on the ground still have to be cold enough for snow production. If the atmosphere is too dry or too warm, you'll miss out on the snow.