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United States Coast Guard Life-Saving Service (USCG LSS): You have to go out, but you don't have to come back [3] United States Marine Corps (USMC): Semper Fidelis (Always faithful) United States Military Academy: Duty, Honor, Country; US Air Force Pararescue: That Others May Live; United States Army: This We'll Defend
Motto Language Translation Australian Catholic University Truth in Love English: Australian National University: Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum: Latin: First, to learn the nature of things. (From Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, l. VI.) Bond University: Bringing ambition to life English Central Queensland University: Doctrina Perpetua: Latin ...
Motto of Catholic Junior College, Singapore; St. Xavier's School, and Hazaribagh, India veritate et virtute: with truth and virtue: Motto of Sydney Boys High School. It is alternatively rendered "virtute et veritate" ("with virtue and truth"), which is the motto of Walford Anglican School for Girls and Pocklington School. veritatem dilexi: I ...
If you cannot live longer, live deeper; If you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen; If you give a mouse a cookie, he'll always ask for a glass of milk; If you think that you know everything, then you're a Jack ass; If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas; If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
Motto of Royal College, Colombo and of King's School, Rochester. disce ut semper victurus, vive ut cras moriturus: Learn as if [you will] live forever; live as if [you will] die tomorrow. Attributed to St. Edmund of Abingdon; first seen in Isidoro de Sevilla: discendo discimus: while learning we learn: See also § docendo discitur: discere faciendo
Motto of Cheverus High School: crescat scientia vita excolatur: let knowledge grow, let life be enriched: Motto of the University of Chicago; often rendered in English as an iambic tetrameter, "Let knowledge grow from more to more, and so be human life enriched". crescente luce: Light ever increasing: Motto of James Cook University: Crescite et ...
School motto of Queen Margaret College: luceat lux vestra: Let your light shine: From Matthew Ch. 5 V. 16; popular as a school motto lucem sequimur: We follow the light: Motto of the University of Exeter: luceo non uro: I shine, not burn: Motto of the Highland Scots Clan Mackenzie: lucida sidera: The shining stars: Horace, Carmina 1/3:2 luctor ...
BBYO (B'nai B'rith Youth Organization Inc) is a Jewish teen movement formed in 1924 for boys, but is now coeducational. It was formerly part of B'nai B'rith until 2001; B'nai B'rith Girls is a Jewish teen movement formed in 1944. It was formerly part of B'nai B'rith. Iota Phi (ΙΦ) was high school Jewish sorority, (dormant). [3]