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Rayleigh quotient iteration is an eigenvalue algorithm which extends the idea of the inverse iteration by using the Rayleigh quotient to obtain increasingly accurate eigenvalue estimates. Rayleigh quotient iteration is an iterative method, that is, it delivers a sequence of approximate solutions that converges to a true solution in the limit ...
It is generally used in solving non-linear equations like Euler's equations in computational fluid dynamics. Matrix-free conjugate gradient method has been applied in the non-linear elasto-plastic finite element solver. [7] Solving these equations requires the calculation of the Jacobian which is costly in terms of CPU time and storage. To ...
The NLEVP collection of nonlinear eigenvalue problems is a MATLAB package containing many nonlinear eigenvalue problems with various properties. [ 6 ] The FEAST eigenvalue solver is a software package for standard eigenvalue problems as well as nonlinear eigenvalue problems, designed from density-matrix representation in quantum mechanics ...
A generalized eigenvalue problem (second sense) is the problem of finding a (nonzero) vector v that obeys = where A and B are matrices. If v obeys this equation, with some λ , then we call v the generalized eigenvector of A and B (in the second sense), and λ is called the generalized eigenvalue of A and B (in the second sense) which ...
Given an n × n square matrix A of real or complex numbers, an eigenvalue λ and its associated generalized eigenvector v are a pair obeying the relation [1] =,where v is a nonzero n × 1 column vector, I is the n × n identity matrix, k is a positive integer, and both λ and v are allowed to be complex even when A is real.l When k = 1, the vector is called simply an eigenvector, and the pair ...
Spectral methods can be used to solve differential equations (PDEs, ODEs, eigenvalue, etc) and optimization problems. When applying spectral methods to time-dependent PDEs, the solution is typically written as a sum of basis functions with time-dependent coefficients; substituting this in the PDE yields a system of ODEs in the coefficients ...
According to S. Ilanko, [2] citing Richard Courant, both Lord Rayleigh and Walther Ritz independently conceived the idea of utilizing the equivalence between boundary value problems of partial differential equations on the one hand and problems of the calculus of variations on the other hand for numerical calculation of the solutions, by ...
Its main advantage versus a purely multigrid solver is particularly clear for nonlinear problems, e.g., eigenvalue problems. If the matrix of the original equation or an eigenvalue problem is symmetric positive definite (SPD), the preconditioner is commonly constructed to be SPD as well, so that the standard conjugate gradient (CG) iterative ...