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  2. ‎Area code 32566 outage for 3 days | AT&T Community Forums


    Area code 32566 outage for 3 days. Been out for 3 days. Anyone else? Questions

  3. ‎New POA community Fiber availability | AT&T Community Forums


    Who do I need to speak to about the availability of internet (Fiber) for a new POA community.  Area code 76050 Grandview Texas FM 4411

  4. What dose code C0D E20-0200 mean under incoming and outgoing...


    What dose code C0D E20-0200 mean under incoming and outgoing texts...Have 30-40 n a matter of 20 minutes

  5. Possible Voice Mail Icon Dial Hacker? | AT&T Community Forums


    I received what looked like a voice mail from my phone's area code. (Notification indicated a voice mail with the standard voice mail icon with the word "Dial" with the number next to it.)

  6. Changing mobile number outside of home city - AT&T Community...


    If I change my mobile number will I be allowed to choose the area code?

  7. ‎wgn channel 9 cubs games not listed | AT&T Community Forums


    i am in Chicago land area code 60185. Not blacked out, wgn cubs games are broadcast but not listed. Instead to record them I have to manually add them. The timeslots listed are things like 2&half m...

  8. invalid sim on new phone | AT&T Community Forums


    I was gifted an AT&T go phone. I inserted the Sim card, went online to activate the phone. I gave me a phone number (area code not even in my state), and a temporary password.

  9. ‎How can we get call forwarding to work again. - AT&T Community...


    We have call forwarding on our home phone that worked until a couple of months ago. Now it doesn't work. Use *72 but it doesn't take the number. Recently a new area coded was added to the surroun...

  10. High speed internet | AT&T Community Forums


    How can we get high speed internet in our area people less than a mile from me have internet.  Who can we contact to see if it will be coming in the future to my area in Lake City, FL 32055

  11. ‎Prank calls from Punk Alien Kids | AT&T Community Forums


    So can someone help with suggestions on ways to solve my issue? I am being overloaded with calls from what I can only assume or Alien punk kids with no accountability prank calling me at all hours....