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  2. Cooper's Hawk third attack was too close for comfort...


    The Cooper's Hawk came too close for comfort to getting one of my babies. I will be keeping them all in the predator-proof run for several days. Why does the hawk keep coming back? It hasn't tasted any chicken yet, and after at least three failed attempts (possibly more when I have been gone) I would thing it would give up.

  3. Cooper's Hawk - will it eat a full grown chicken?


    I've had a Cooper's Hawk take a full grown OEG roo right out of my back yard while I was watching from the window. The roo started freaking out & that's what made me look, then it swooped down & it was like they were locked up in a ball for a moment, then it flew away with my roo. I was too stunned to move & it all happned so fast.

  4. How to Deter Cooper's Hawk, Oregon - BackYard Chickens


    This is the 2nd evening in a row that what I am pretty sure appears to be a Cooper's Hawk has checked out the backyard. (We've done the bird id thing on the internet, and because it is suburban area, we think it is most likely the Cooper's Hawk vs. the Sharp-Shinned Hawk. The hawk is about the size of our 5 month old pullets.

  5. Cooper's (Chicken) Hawk spotted in and around my yard


    I lost my sweet Jo-Jo to a Cooper's hawk last week. It is a very ugly thing to come home to. I thought the girls had enough hiding places but I was wrong. My girls have free-ranged in our small backyard (that is in the middle of a subdivision) all year until last week. A juvenile got her. I have seen the adult and juvenile hawks recently.

  6. Is it illegal to kill a cooper's hawk? - BackYard Chickens


    yes and no. if you kill it to kill or brag about it yes. but you can get a permit form the goverment to kill it if you can convince them that the bird is harrassing you livestock. the illegal shot shovel shut up is the easy way out but if you brag and the feds find out its 15K dollars and 5 years in jail. which is a felony

  7. Cooper Hawk flew through my covered chicken run. How do I stop...


    This morning I went out to take care of my 25 chickens and there was a Cooper’s Hawk in my run. It saw me and I watched it fly through my covered run?? There are no holes in this area of the covered run whatsoever! I looked and double checked. I have orange palatic netting along the fence itself and chicken wire on the bottom 3 feet.

  8. Cooper's Hawk taken residence on my fence - BackYard Chickens


    Last autumn I heard a commotion outside the computer room window. When I looked out I saw that a Cooper's had a ringneck cockbird pinned to the ground just outside the window. I ran outside and chased the hawk off of the pheasant which ran under my deck. All day long the hawk kept returning to my deck hoping to get another chance at the pheasant.

  9. Cooper's Hawk - will it eat a full grown chicken?


    Coopers & Sharp shinned are forest hawks. I have watched both hop around my overgrown veggie garden trying to flush out prey that may sought to take up refuge when the hawk attacked. What bugs me is how our hens can be so wary at times & oblivious at others to the presence of a hawk. Or are...

  10. How long should I keep chickens in the coop after a hawk...


    if any actually are watching the coop area, or if there's an attack, everyone stays in for at least ten days, until well after any hawk is around. One year we had a Cooper's hawk attack near the house, not at all concerned about our presence (he ate a bird perched on the pickup truck!).

  11. Cooper Hawk | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens


    This guy is a regular visitor to my yard, so much so that the hens rarely even flinch anymore. Much to my dismay! Stupid birds! As he left he flew low & slow right over their enclosure, they didn't even seem to notice. In a couple of weeks more hawks will arrive, start courting rituals...