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This makes it unnecessary to run mechanical systems to remove heat. Periodically, the pool must be refilled, a simple task for a fire truck. The (E)SBWR reactors provide three days' supply of water in the pool. [1] Some older reactors also have IC systems, including Fukushima Dai-ichi reactor 1, however their water pools may not be as large.
In events where the reactor coolant pressure boundary remains intact, the Isolation Condenser System (ICS) is used to remove decay heat from the reactor and transfer it outside containment. The ICS system is a closed loop system that connects the reactor pressure vessel to a heat exchanger located in the upper elevation of the reactor building.
The Reactor Protection System (RPS) is a system, computerized in later BWR models, that is designed to automatically, rapidly, and completely shut down and make safe the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS – the reactor pressure vessel, pumps, and water/steam piping within the containment) if some event occurs that could result in inadvertant criticality.
GE further developed the BWR-1 design with the 70 MW Big Rock Point (9×9, 11×11, 12×12) reactor, which (like all GE BWR models following Dresden 1) used the more economical direct cycle method of heat transfer, but disposed with the external recirculation pumps in favor of natural circulation (an unusual strategy that only the 55 MW ...
Another example was the Isolation Condenser system, which relied on the principle of hot water/steam rising to bring hot coolant into large heat exchangers located above the reactor in very deep tanks of water, thus accomplishing residual heat removal. Yet another example was the omission of recirculation pumps within the core; these pumps were ...
The Isolation cooling system is a defensive system against a condition known as station blackout. This system is not part of the ECCS and does not have a low coolant accident function. For pressurized water reactors, this system acts in the secondary cooling circuit and is called Turbine driven auxiliary feedwater system.
The BWRX-300 is a smaller evolution of an earlier GE Hitachi reactor design, note the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) design and utilizing components of the operational Advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR) reactor. [1] Boiling water reactors are nuclear technology that use ordinary light water as a nuclear reactor coolant ...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirect page. Redirect to: Boiling water reactor safety systems#Reactor core isolation cooling system (RCIC)