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Grünfeld usually employed a very classical style. The defence was later adopted by a number of prominent players, including Vasily Smyslov, Viktor Korchnoi, Leonid Stein and Bobby Fischer. Garry Kasparov often used the defence, including in his World Championship matches against Anatoly Karpov in 1986, 1987 and 1990, and Vladimir Kramnik in 2000.
The variation's most devoted practitioner has been its eponym, Ashot Nadanian.Various famous players such as Viktor Korchnoi, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Bu Xiangzhi, Alexander Riazantsev, Igor Lysyj, Walter Browne, Smbat Lputian, Timur Gareyev, Jonathan Rowson, Andrei Kharlov, Bogdan Lalić have employed it at some time or another, though few have made it their main line against the Grünfeld ...
In the Exchange Variation of the Grunfeld Defense, both a pair of pawns and a pair of knights are traded. The diagram at right shows a position in the Exchange Variation of the French Defense, after the moves: 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 exd5. The position is completely symmetrical and White's advantage is limited to his right to move.
The Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO) is a reference work describing the state of opening theory in chess, originally published in five volumes from 1974 to 1979 by the Yugoslavian company Šahovski Informator (Chess Informant). It is currently undergoing its fifth edition.
The Trompowsky is a popular alternative to the more common lines after 1.d4 Nf6 beginning 2.c4 or 2.Nf3. By playing 2.Bg5, White sidesteps immense bodies of opening theory of various Indian Defences like the Queen's Indian, King's Indian, Nimzo-Indian, as well as the Grünfeld Defence.
Ernst Grünfeld contributed many articles on openings to chess magazines around Europe. Indeed, before he had turned 20, he was already contributing articles on the Ruy Lopez to Wiener Schachzeitung, which was one of the most popular German-language chess publications of its day, and over the next 40 years or so he wrote many articles on opening theory for chess publications in Germany ...
In some openings, book lines have been worked out for over 30 moves, such as some lines in the classical King's Indian Defense and in the Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian Defense. [ 4 ] Professional chess players spend years studying openings, and they continue doing so throughout their careers as opening theory continues to evolve.
Among his recorded games is the first instance of Gruenfeld Defence, more than 60 years before Ernst Grünfeld was to launch it against Alekhine at Vienna, 1922: . John Cochrane vs. Moheschunder Bannerjee, May 1855 (in PGN format)