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Structure to Name: A Nomenclature helper for Students First draw a structure using the tool below, then click on the Get SMILES and submit for IUPAC Name buttons
The following software generates IUPAC names for molecules and powers this website. A definition of IUPAC naming for molecular structures and free online IUPAC naming.
IUPAC names can be generated for drawn structures in the sketcher. The name is displayed in large font above the sketcher as you doodle. Please give it a try and let us know if you encounter any issues. Both a traditional IUPAC name and an attempted Preferred IUPAC Name (PIN) are generated.
Draw a molecule and press the find name button to find out the official IUPAC name and molecular formula for the molecule. The IUPAC name calculator will also generate and provide the SMILES, MOL and CML for the molecule.
D T La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Fr Ra Lr Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk.
Welcome to the IUPAC Name Generator! Simplify your chemistry studies or professional work with our IUPAC Name Generator! Whether you're a student, a researcher, or someone exploring chemical structures, this tool allows you to input a molecule and generate its official IUPAC name instantly.
To get a IUPAC name for a certain molecule you just draw the molecule, select that molecule and click Tools and then click Generate Name. You can easily draw and use whole periodic table within the vertical tool bar.
The IUPAC Names From Formula Name Generator is an advanced solution designed to generate IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) names from chemical formulas. By simply clicking the “Generate Names” button, the tool will present a variety of IUPAC names derived from randomly generated chemical structures or formulae.
The IUPAC Name Generator is a boon for chemists, educators, and students alike, simplifying the process of naming organic compounds. By providing accurate and systematic names, this tool enhances communication within the scientific community and facilitates research and learning.
Simply input the molecular structure of the compound in question, either by drawing it directly into the generator or by inputting its chemical formula. Then, with the click of a button, the generator analyzes the structure and produces the corresponding IUPAC name.