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The African Methodist Episcopal Church has a unique and glorious history. It is unique in that it is the first major religious denomination in the Western World that had its origin over sociological and theological beliefs and differences.
AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The word African means that the church was organized by people of African descent and heritage. It does not mean that the church was founded in Africa, or that it was for persons of African descent only. The church’s roots are of the family of Methodist churches.
The Motto “God Our Father, Christ Our Redeemer, the Holy Spirit Our Comforter, Humankind Our Family” is a great summary of what the African Methodist Episcopal Church believes. Also known as the A.M.E. Church for short, the denomination is Methodist in terms of its basic doctrine and order of worship.
The African Methodist Episcopal Church is a connectional organization. Each local church is a part of the larger connection. The Bishops are the Chief Officers of the Connectional Organization .
When Bishop Henry M. Turner pushed African Methodism across the Atlantic into Liberia and Sierra Leone in 1891 and into South Africa in 1896, the AME now laid claim to adherents on two continents. While the AME is doctrinally Methodist, clergy, scholars, and lay persons have written important works which demonstrate the distinctive theology and ...
This declaration of A.M.E. faith identity became the denominational motto until 1908, when a surge of pentecostalism in 1906 in Los Angeles at the Azusa Street mission, the former site of First A.M.E. Church, convinced African Methodists to alter the motto.
At every level of the Connection and in every local church, the AME Church shall engage in carrying out the spirit of the original Free African Society, out of which the AME Church evolved: that is, to seek out and save the lost, and to serve the needy.
Episcopal refers to the form of government under which the church operates. The chief executive and administrative officers of the African Methodist Episcopal denomination are the Bishops of the church.
The Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church continues to respond to the call to strengthen our faith and continue the ministry of Jesus Christ. We are called to do this in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, we are called to do
The Bishops are the Chief Officers of the Connectional Organization. They are elected for life by a majority vote of the General Conference which meets every four years. Bishops shall be retired at that General Conference when the Bishop’s seventy-third (73rd) birthday is on or before July 15th of the General Conference Year.