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Pelvic ultrasound showed visualized uterine mass 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm on right lateral. right and left adnexa unremarkable. normal cul-de-sac visualized. myometrium appears heterogeneous. i have had no symptoms of anything. what does this mean?
What does it mean to have a heterogeneous echotexture uterus measuring 88.48x 6.03x5.75. i also have a uterine fibroid measuring 2.66x 2.75x2.25cm. the mass is heterogeneous in echotexture. do l need surgery?
I just received results from an MRI and was wondering about what the heterogeneous abnormal term means: "severe atrophy of the right optic nerve within its cisternal and intraocular divisions, with heterogeneous abnormal signal throughout the nerve." What is Heterogeneous marrow signal within the axial skeleton mean on an MRI of the right hip mean.
Had a ultrasound, results said liver is 13.4cm and that there is somewhat heterogeneous appearance but with no definite abnormality r focal finding? What does this mean.... Abnormal appearance of the liver with somewhat heterogeneous uptake and and mild to moderate cholestasis, it's part of scan r? I had a upper right quadrant ultrasound.
Lrg mass in the pouch of doug, based on the "pedicle sign", suspect ovary is the origin, mass is heterogeneous, cystic & hemorrhagic elements A doctor has provided 1 answer A member asked:
My test say, The uterus demonstrates heterogeneous myometrial echotexture most likely secondary to leiomyomatous change through a discrete mass ? Uterus appears globular with a heterogeneous myometrial echotexture with poorly defined endo-myometrial interface and what appears to be a small (<2mm ) myometrial cyst.
2.5mm heterogeneous hypoechoic nodule and ovoid isoechoic bilobed mass with hypoechoicc band through it which may be fluid.the mass measures 22mm long?: It would help: to know what organ we are talking about. In the breast
Heterogeneous echogenic mass A member asked: Have a vulvar mass inside left labia. ultrasound revealed internal:regular, echogenicity: heterogeneous, solid measuring 10x7mm, no iincreased vascullarization seen inside or surrounding the mass. dr wants ne to continue with self-exams abd report asap if
They found a Varicocele on the left testicle, bilateral hydrocele and the right testicle had a mildly heterogeneous epiditimis? Ultrasound shows moderately atrophic testicle with diffusely heterogeneous echotexture and minimal blood flow within the superior aspect.Presented with pain in testicle 4 months after varicocelectomy, and nausea.
Lrg mass in the pouch of Doug, based on the "pedicle sign", suspect ovary is the origin, mass is heterogeneous, cystic & hemorrhagic elements Lrg mass in the pouch of Doug, based on the "pedicle sign", suspect ovary is the origin heterogeneous, hemorrhagic and cystic elems, what surgery