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Stoma in a tomato leaf shown via colorized scanning electron microscope image A stoma in horizontal cross section The underside of a leaf. In this species (Tradescantia zebrina) the guard cells of the stomata are green because they contain chlorophyll while the epidermal cells are chlorophyll-free and contain red pigments.
Photosynthesis depends on the diffusion of carbon dioxide (CO 2) from the air through the stomata into the mesophyll tissues. Oxygen (O 2), produced as a byproduct of photosynthesis, exits the plant via the stomata. When the stomata are open, water is lost by evaporation and must be replaced via the transpiration stream, with water taken up by ...
The stomata complex regulates the exchange of gases and water vapor between the outside air and the interior of the leaf. Typically, the stomata are more numerous over the abaxial (lower) epidermis of the leaf than the (adaxial) upper epidermis. An exception is floating leaves where most or all stomata are on the upper surface.
Number of stomata: More stomata will provide more pores for transpiration. Size of the leaf: A leaf with a bigger surface area will transpire faster than a leaf with a smaller surface area. Presence of plant cuticle: A waxy cuticle is relatively impermeable to water and water vapor and reduces evaporation from the plant surface except via the ...
Turgor pressure within the stomata regulates when the stomata can open and close, which plays a role in transpiration rates of the plant. This is also important because this function regulates water loss within the plant. Lower turgor pressure can mean that the cell has a low water concentration and closing the stomata would help to preserve water.
The closing of pome lenticels can arise when the cuticle over the stomata opening or the substomatal layer seals. Closing can also begin if the substomatal cells become suberized , like cork . The number of lenticels usually varies between the species of apples, where the range may be from 450 to 800 or from 1500 to 2500 in Winesap and ...
This ability to avoid photorespiration makes these plants more hardy than other plants in dry and hot environments, wherein stomata are closed and internal carbon dioxide levels are low. Under these conditions, photorespiration does occur in C 4 plants, but at a much lower level compared with C 3 plants in the same conditions.
Chromosome-scale genome sequencing of three hornwort species corroborates that stomata evolved only once during land plant evolution. It also shows that the three groups of bryophytes share a common ancestor that branched off from the other landplants early in evolution, and that liverworts and mosses are more closely related to each other than ...