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  2. Empowered by God’s Word, Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School educates, encourages, and equips God’s people for life and for eternity.

  3. The KML Academic Calendar is prepared prior to the school year. It shows days on which school will be in session, non-school days, and major events.

  4. 3399 Division Road Jackson, WI 53037-9707. Phone: 262.677.4051 Fax: 262.677.4290. Email: office@kmlhs.org

  5. Empowered by God’s Word, Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School educates, encourages, and equips God’s people for life and for eternity.

  6. For general inquiries email office@kmlhs.org or call 262.677.4051. View the KML Family Tree. Not sure who to contact? View the directory by topic.. To reach a faculty or staff member via phone, dial 262.677.4051 and their extension.

  7. Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School welcomes inquiries from any parent who is interested in enrolling their student in our school. We love to tell people about KML! Contact our Director of Admissions, Mr. Jerry Zeamer (262.677.4051 x4009; jerry.zeamer@kmlhs.org ), with any questions.

  8. 1973: Several leaders of WELS and ELS congregations in Washington, Ozaukee, and Dodge counties gather to discuss a proposed Lutheran high school in the northern Milwaukee metro area. 1974: KMLHS opens with an enrollment of 35 students in grades nine and ten at the temporary facility of Christ Lutheran Church in the village of Jackson.

  9. KML has partnered with several colleges to make a selection of dual credit courses available to our students. These courses allow students to earn both high school and college credit simultaneously for the course. (See the Course Selection Guide below for more information.)

  10. Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School is on an amazing path of growth. What a privilege we have to teach more students, share the love of Christ with them every day, and offer a safe environment in which they can grow spiritually, academically, and emotionally.

  11. Our Savior Lutheran School in Grafton is looking for a Preschool Teacher’s Aide for the 24-25 school year. Teacher’s Aide […] KML Job Opening: Mission Advancement Associate