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cmd.exe is a command line (shell). If you want to change directory, use os.chdir("C:\\"). Try not to call external commands if Python can provide it. In fact, most operating system commands are provide through the os module (and sys). I suggest you take a look at os module documentation to see the various methods available.
The solution was to combine with start /b on a Windows 7 command prompt. Start as usual, without /b, and launch in a separate window. The command used to launch in the same line is: start /b command1 parameters & command2 parameters Any way, if you wish to parse the output, I don't recommend to use this.
You can also create a bat file which does what you wish (mentioned in other answers here), then put it in C:\Windows\System32. Execute it by writing the name of the file. For example ntp if your file was named ntp.bat. Make sure that you restart the command line before trying your new super cool custom command.
There are some limitations though, and you would probably want to run windows cmd being elevated to admin privileges, then navigate to your Cygwin or Cygwin64 directory within command prompt then call the Cygwin batch file.
In case someone else has the same issue, if you have already added to PATH and it (C:\Users\pete.kirkham\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python) works if you run with a full path, on Win 10 the command line command python is by default aliased to the Windows store.
It can solve this problem by cd command, this command understand spaces without double quotes and you can call any program this way for example: C:\Windows\system32>cd c:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin. c:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin>mongo now command prompt call mongo.exe
When you install anaconda on windows now, it doesn't automatically add Python or Conda. If you don’t know where your conda and/or python is, you type the following commands into your anaconda prompt. Next, you can add Python and Conda to your path by using the setx command in your command prompt. Next close that command prompt and open a new one.
In the Windows Command Prompt the ^ is used to escape the next character on the command line. (Like \ is used in strings.) Characters that need to be used in the command line as they are should have a ^ prefixed to them, hence that's why it works for the newline.
Create A Shortcut That Opens The Command Prompt & Runs A Command: Yes! You can create a shortcut to cmd.exe with a command specified after it. Alternatively you could create a batch script, if your goal is just to have a clickable way to run commands. Steps: Right click on some empty space in Explorer, and in the context menu go to "New/Shortcut".
in command prompt type: c:\temp> ren sample1.txt sample2.txt [enter] Let's say the filename is sample1-some-unwanted-text-1234.txt and we want to change it to sample1.txt: in command prompt, type: c:\temp> ren sample1-some-unwanted-text-1234.txt sample1.txt Renaming 1 file by replacing multiple unwanted characters using a star: