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  2. Stabbing intermittent pain on side of foot - Podiatry Arena


    It's been several days now that I suddenly get sharp, stabbing pains on the outside of my left foot - about half way between the toes & heel. Nothing helps when an attack is on! Sometimes, it's so bad that I actually yelp in pain. The pain seems to last about 30 seconds or less and occurs in clusters throughout the day.

  3. Stabbing intermittent pain on side of foot | Podiatry Arena


    Stabbing intermittent pain on side of foot. Discussion in ' Foot Health Forum ' started by RSSFeedBot, Feb 29, 2012. Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up. It's been several days now that I suddenly get sharp, stabbing pains on the outside of my left foot - about half way between the toes & heel.

  4. Stabbing pain | Podiatry Arena


    The pain lasts about 10 seconds and about 30 seconds in-between. The podiatrist doesn't seem to know what it is. I don't know if it's coming from the foot itself or from back/hip, etc - so don't know where to ice/heat since I don't know where it's originating from. Any suggestions, please..

  5. stabbing pain in middle outside of foot...please help!


    By joining our free global community of Podiatrists and other interested foot health care professionals you will have access to post podiatry topics (answer and ask questions), communicate privately with other members, upload content, view attachments, receive a weekly email update of new discussions, access other special features.

  6. Help for patient with base 1st met/cuneiform pain - Podiatry...


    73 female, intermittent stabbing pain r/med/s med cun/1stmet base, 3/12 hx, trauma 10y/a > no tx, x-ray only comment ***1st mpj o/a, with tib post active > elicit pain on palp m/s med cun/nav,..... on active+passive ankle dorsi/eversion elicits stabbing pain m/s med cun/1st met base, no heat no hx of heat, no erythema no hx of, however slight ...

  7. stabbing pain in middle outside of foot...please help!


    By joining our free global community of Podiatrists and other interested foot health care professionals you will have access to post podiatry topics (answer and ask questions), communicate privately with other members, upload content, view attachments, receive a weekly email update of new discussions, access other special features.

  8. Intermittent cycles of remote ischemic preconditioning for...


    Intermittent cycles of remote ischemic preconditioning augment diabetic foot ulcer healing. Shaked G, Czeiger D, Abu Arar A, Katz T, Harman-Boehm I, Sebbag G Wound Repair Regen. 2015 Mar;23(2):191-196. doi: 10.1111/wrr.12269

  9. Throbbing pain on side of foot - Podiatry Arena


    Have had intermittent throbbing pain left foot, middle of left side, off and on for the past 10-15 years. Have seen 3 podiatrist and an orthopedic doctor. No one seems to be able to figure out why this occurs or how to treat. Also had nerve conduction tests done which were negative. I am in my 50's, on my feet all day at work.

  10. Severe foot pain | Podiatry Arena


    By joining our free global community of Podiatrists and other interested foot health care professionals you will have access to post podiatry topics (answer and ask questions), communicate privately with other members, upload content, view attachments, receive a weekly email update of new discussions, access other special features.

  11. Intermittent versus continuous terbinafine | Podiatry Arena


    Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Therapy and Diabetic Foot Ulcers NewsBot , Oct 29, 2015 , in forum: Diabetic Foot & Wound Management Replies: