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  2. Scottish Deities List - A Shrine to the Gods


    A comprehensive list of Scottish and Gaelic deities, with brief descriptions and links to more information. Learn about the gods and goddesses of sun, moon, war, healing, fertility, and more.

  3. List of Celtic deities - Wikipedia


    A comprehensive list of Celtic deities from various sources, such as mythology, inscriptions, and place names. Includes general and local deities, as well as their attributes, regions, and companions.

  4. Scottish mythology - Wikipedia


    An overview of the myths and legends of Scotland, from nature myths to national mythology, from Ulster Cycle to Arthurian legend. Learn about the Celtic goddesses, the Picts, the standing stones, and the Loch Ness Monster.

  5. Celtic Gods - Mythopedia


    Learn about the Celtic gods and goddesses who were worshipped by the ancient Celtic tribes. Find out their names, meanings, and regions of influence from this comprehensive list and overview.

  6. A List of Celtic Gods and Goddesses - ThoughtCo


    Learn about the Celtic deities from various regions and traditions, such as Alator, Belenus, Brigit, Cernunnos, Epona, Lugh, Medb, Morrigan, and more. Find out their meanings, associations, and stories in this comprehensive list.

  7. 16 Celtic Gods and Goddesses: Ancient Celtic Pantheon


    Learn about the main Celtic gods and goddesses, such as Danu, Dagda, Lugh, Brigid, and the Morrigan, who were the ancestors and deities of the Gaelic-speaking people of Ireland and Scotland. Discover their realms, domains, family ties, and fun facts in this comprehensive guide to Celtic mythology.

  8. Scottish Mythology - Gods and Monsters


    Learn about the myths and legends of Scotland, blending Celtic and Norse influences, and featuring magical creatures, fae folk, and gods. Discover the stories of the Cailleach, Brìghde, Nessie, kelpies, Selkie, and Thomas the Rhymer.

  9. The ancient Celtic pantheon consisted of over 400 gods and goddesses who represented everything from rivers to warfare. With perhaps the exception of Lugh , the Celtic gods were not universally worshipped across Iron Age Europe but were very often limited to only several regions or a specific area.

  10. Celtic Goddesses: A Definitive Guide


    Learn about the most significant Celtic goddesses and their roles in mythology and culture. Explore their names, associations, and stories, from Brigid to Rhiannon, from the Morrigan to Danu.

  11. Celtic mythology - Wikipedia


    Learn about the Celtic myths belonging to the Celtic peoples, their gods, goddesses, races and motifs. Explore the surviving sources of Celtic mythology, from ancient inscriptions and Roman accounts to medieval writings and folklore.