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Executives rely on administrative assistants to keep the office in order and act as the voice of the company to outsiders. Administrative assistants have difficult jobs, juggling duties such as ...
A person responsible for providing various kinds of administrative assistance is called an administrative assistant (admin assistant) or sometimes an administrative support specialist. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] In most instances it is identical to the modern iteration of the position of secretary or is a sub-specialty of secretarial duties.
Getty Images (composite: Mack Gelber) In an interesting twist, this description, while tied directly to a specific organization, is unclear about exactly who the administrative assistant will support.
In the cinema of the United States, a unit production manager (UPM) is the Directors Guild of America–approved title for the top below-the-line staff position, responsible for the administration of a feature film or television production. Non-DGA productions might call it the production manager or production supervisor.
Typically a Production Office is established in the pre-production phase and continues until at least post-production. The Production Office usually includes positions such as, but not entirely made of, Production Supervisor, Production Office Coordinator, Assistant Production Office Coordinator, Production Secretary and Office Assistants ...
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related to: production supervisor job description sample administrative assistant