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Ida Bagus Made's paintings are some of the best examples of the Ubud school from the Pitamaha generation, and have not been surpassed by younger painters. [2] His paintings have been acquired by prestigious institutions all over the world, including the United Nations, the Royal Tropical Institute Museum (Amsterdam) and the Royal Ethnographic Museum (Leiden).
Ida Bagus Made Togog (1913–1989) was born into a noble Brahmana clan in the center of Batuan. Together with I Ngendon, he was one of the foremost painters from Batuan. Unlike Ngendon, Togog was not particularly interested in Western ideas. He was comfortable with the Balinese way of life and adhered closely to the Balinese belief system.
Hasyim Asy'ari was born Muhammad Hasyim in Gedang, Jombang Regency [3] on 10 April 1875. His parents were Asy'ari and Halimah. His family was deeply involved in the administrations of pesantrens (local Islamic boarding schools).
Ngurah Rai was born in Carangsari, Badung Regency, Bali on 30 January 1917. He studied at a Dutch elementary school named HIS Denpasar, [3] then went to MULO Junior High School in Malang, East Java. [3]
In Indonesian: Syamsuez Salihima, Opu Daeng Risaju: perempuan pejuang menentang penjajah di Kabupaten Luwu, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 1930-1946 : laporan hasil penelitian (Makassar : Pusat Penelitian, IAIN Alauddin, [2001)].
Tuanku Imam Bonjol featured in the 5,000-rupiah banknote issued by Bank Indonesia. Tuanku Imam Bonjol featured in a 1961 stamp. Tuanku Imam Bonjol was born in Bonjol, Pasaman, West Sumatra.