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The Brazilian public holiday of Dia de Finados, Dia dos Mortos or Dia dos Fiéis Defuntos (Portuguese: "Day of the Dead" or "Day of the Faithful Deceased") is celebrated on November 2. Similar to other Day of the Dead celebrations, people go to cemeteries and churches with flowers and candles and offer prayers. The celebration is intended as a ...
Different parts of Mexico also celebrate it on Oct. 31 and go as long as Nov. 6, but generally, Día de Los Muertos is observed on those two main dates. As we already mentioned, Day of the Dead is ...
The holiday begins on the evening of Oct. 31 and continues through Nov. 2. These dates coincide with the Catholic holidays of All Saints' Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls' Day (Nov. 2).
As stated above, Day of the Dead takes place over two days, centers on honoring the dead and has roots in ancient Mexico, making it different and distinct from Halloween. 14. Disney tried to ...
November 2, (All Souls Day), or "The Day of the Dead", is the day when all of the faithful dead are remembered. On that day, families go to cemeteries to light candles for their dead relatives, leave them flowers, and often to picnic. They also celebrate Suffrage Masses to shorten the time that souls need to leave Purgatory and the enter in ...
In Europe, historians have thought the three- day festival of the dead is a ritualistic remembrance of the deluge in which Halloween the first night is depicting the wickedness of the world before the flood. The second night is spent celebrating the saved who survived the deluge and the last night is meant as an honoring to those who would ...
The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday, also marked in some areas of the United States, held on Nov. 1 and 2. During those two days, the spirits are believed to return home and spend time with ...
A popular phrase among Mexicans and those Latinos that personally know someone is "se lo (la) llevó la Calaca" after someone has died, literally meaning "the Calaca took him (her)" or "death took him (her)". In Guatemala, "Calaca" is understood as "death". The figure of a bare skeleton represents death and implies fear of death.