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Second metatarsal bone elongation, also known as Morton's toe (or Morton's foot) is a normal variation of the second metatarsal present in about 25% of the total population. Although normal, Morton's toe causes extra- inversion of the foot and thereby puts more stress on the lateral part of the meniscus of the knee, promotes lordosis of the ...
The base or posterior extremity is wedge-shaped, articulating proximally with the tarsal bones, and by its sides with the contiguous metatarsal bones: its dorsal and plantar surfaces are rough for the attachment of ligaments. The head or distal extremity presents a convex articular surface, oblong from above downward, and extending farther ...
The phalanges of the foot differ from the hand in that they are often shorter and more compressed, especially in the proximal phalanges, those closest to the torso. [3] A phalanx is named according to whether it is proximal, middle, or distal and its associated finger or toe. The proximal phalanges are those that are closest to the hand or foot.
The tarsus articulates with the bones of the metatarsus, which in turn articulate with the proximal phalanges of the toes. The joint between the tibia and fibula above and the tarsus below is referred to as the ankle joint proper. In humans the largest bone in the tarsus is the calcaneus, which is the weight-bearing bone within the heel of the ...
The base or posterior extremity is wedge-shaped. [1] The base presents an oblique quadrilateral surface for articulation with the cuboid ; a smooth facet on the medial side, divided by a ridge into an anterior portion for articulation with the third metatarsal , and a posterior portion for articulation with the third cuneiform ; on the lateral ...
The head (caput) or digital extremity presents an oblong surface markedly convex from before backward, less so transversely, and flattened from side to side; it articulates with the proximal phalanx. It is broader, and extends farther upward, on the volar than on the dorsal aspect, and is longer in the antero-posterior than in the transverse ...
The only movements permitted in the joints of the digits are flexion and extension; these movements are more extensive between the first and second phalanges than between the second and third. The flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus flex the interphalangeal joint of the big toe and lateral four toes, respectively.
The base or posterior extremity is wedge-shaped. [1] The third metatarsal bone articulates proximally, by means of a triangular smooth surface, with the third cuneiform; medially, by two facets, with the second metatarsal; and laterally, by a single facet, with the fourth metatarsal. This last facet is situated at the dorsal angle of the base.