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  2. Upload 3D videos - YouTube Help - Google Help


    You can upload and playback 3D videos as either rectangular 3D videos, VR180, or 360 3D (VR videos). YouTube supports left-right (LR) side-by-side stereo layout for 3D videos. The video should contain stereo metadata as: st3d box in .mov/.mp4, StereoMode element set to side-by-side LR in .mkv/.webm, or; FPA metadata in H264 SEI headers

  3. Watch VR180 and 360-degree videos with Cardboard - YouTube Help


    You can watch VR180 and 360-degree videos for an immersive virtual reality experience with Cardboard and the YouTube mobile app. Assemble Google Cardboard. Open the YouTube app on Android. Search for a VR video or go to the YouTube Virtual Reality house channel by searching for "Virtual Reality."

  4. Get started with YouTube VR - YouTube Help - Google Help


    The YouTube VR app allows you to easily find and watch YouTube content, with added support for immersive 360 videos and virtual reality content, on certain headsets and devices. On Meta Quest devices, you can watch content in a fully immersive environment, or in panel mode.

  5. 3D-Videos hochladen - YouTube-Hilfe - Google Help


    Du kannst 3D-Videos entweder als rechteckige 3D-Videos, als VR180 oder als 360°-Videos in 3D (VR-Videos) hochladen und wiedergeben. YouTube unterstützt das Side-by-Side-Stereolayout (links/rechts) für 3D-Videos. Das Video sollte Stereometadaten in einem der folgenden Formate enthalten: st3d-Box in MOV/MP4

  6. Enviar vídeos 3D - Ajuda do YouTube - Google Help


    É possível enviar e reproduzir vídeos 3D em formato retangular, em VR180 ou 360 graus (vídeos em RV). O YouTube é compatível com o layout estereoscópico lado a lado (left-right side-by-side stereo) para vídeos 3D. O vídeo deve conter os metadados estereoscópico da seguinte forma: caixa st3d em .mov/.mp4

  7. Carregue vídeos 3D - YouTube Ajuda - Google Help


    Se o seu vídeo 3D não tiver metadados 3D, pode adicioná-los através de determinados programas de edição de vídeo, como o Sony Vegas Pro ou o GoPro Studio. Também pode usar a ferramenta FFmpeg. Vídeo com codificação H.264 num contentor .mov ou .mp4 ffmpeg -i input_file.mkv -vcodec libx264 -x264opts "frame-packing=3" output_file.mp4

  8. Sube videos panorámicos de 360° o 180° - Ayuda de YouTube -...


    También puedes mirar videos panorámicos de 360° o 180° en la app de YouTube o en la app de YouTube VR (disponible en la mayoría de los visores de RV). Si quieres disfrutar una experiencia envolvente, obtén más información para mirar contenido con visores de RV. Obtén más información para crear videos panorámicos de 360° y 180°.

  9. Upload 180- or 360-degree videos - YouTube Help - Google Help


    You can also watch 180° and 360° videos on YouTube app or on the YouTube VR app available on most VR headsets. For an immersive experience, learn more about watching with a VR headset. Learn more about creating 360-degree and 180-degree videos.

  10. Use your Google Account for YouTube


    When you sign in to YouTube with your Google Account, you can take advantage of many YouTube features: Like videos; Save Favorites; Subscribe to channels; Watch Later; Watch History; Report videos; YouTube can also personalize video recommendations based on the videos you’ve watched and your subscriptions.

  11. Mettre en ligne des vidéos 3D - Aide YouTube - Google Help


    Vous pouvez mettre en ligne et regarder des vidéos en 3D au format rectangulaire, VR180 ou à 360° (vidéos de réalité virtuelle). YouTube est compatible avec les dispositions stéréo droite/gauche côte à côte pour les vidéos 3D. La vidéo doit contenir des métadonnées stéréo, telles que les suivantes : Élément st3d au format ...