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  2. how can I write fractional powers in python code like x^(2/3)?-1. Decimal to Binary implementation got ...

  3. Difference between Python built-in pow and math pow for large integers. 1. Java Math.exp() and Python math ...

  4. Else for Python <2.7, we'll have to explicitly type cast the division value to float because Python round of the result of division of two int as integer. For example: 1/2 gives 0 in python 2.7 and below.

  5. I'm starting with Python and I recently came across a dataset with big values. One of my fields has a list of values that looks like this: 1.3212724310201994e+18 (note the e+18 by the end of the number). How can I convert it to a floating point number and remove the the exponent without affecting the value?

  6. This is a line of Python code downloaded from the book "Python in Easy Steps" source code website. I had to Copy and Paste that line of code into the Python 3.5.1 IDLE for it to run because I can't figure out what combination of keystrokes to use to enter the exponent superscript 2 for the variable a.

  7. I want to label my x axis at follows : pylab.xlabel('metres 10^1') But I don't want to have the ^ symbol included . pylab.xlabel('metres 10$^{one}$') This method works and will superscript lett...

  8. Python is strongly typed, and doesn't do automatic coercing. You need to do an explicit cast of the result of the exponentiation to concatenate it with a string: ... + "y su exponent" + str(i ** 2) )

  9. Python hangs at this point, i have read alot of forums, threads etcc but only come to the conclusion that python hangs, as its hard for it to process such large numbers. any idea how can it be done? any two line piece of code, any library, anything that can be done.

  10. From the Python 3 docs: The power operator has the same semantics as the built-in pow() function, when called with two arguments: it yields its left argument raised to the power of its right argument. The numeric arguments are first converted to a common type, and the result is of that type. It is equivalent to 2 16 = 65536, or pow(2, 16)

  11. You're comparing 100³ to 4*100 so your answer doesn't rally make sense. I advise readers to see other answers as they rightly compare the operators.Also as mentioned in another answer the power operator is actually an advantage over multiplications when exponents get big not especially when the base grows. –