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  2. What do you think about revenge cheating? (married, woman, love...


    A while back I believe there was a story about some woman that cheated many years ago when the guy was her bf. She got caught. Somehow they worked through the issues, reconciled, moved forward, got married years later and raised children. During the 1st or 2nd year of their marriage, the dude had a revenge affair.

  3. View Poll Results : Should the man love the woman more? -...


    "For a relationship to work well, the man has to love the woman just a little bit more" - so goes the old wives' tale. As archaic as this tidbit might seem in an era of equal partnerships and less rigid gender roles, the notion that relationships in which the man cares more deeply than the woman are more stable has persisted.

  4. Wife went to a party where she was the only woman? (marriage,...


    I'm sorta new to being married ( 2 years ) And I trust and love my wife very much.. Let me get that out of the way, I believe you can't have a marriage if you can't trust, which is why you married that person so to speak.

  5. My GF looks ugly without makeup (dating, wife, woman, love ...


    Make-up is just a fraction of the woman! If you're gonna be in a relationship, you're supposed to love the woman whole , not fractionally! 11-04-2015, 01:39 PM

  6. Dating a heavy smoker (girlfriend, women, love, attracted ...


    Over the years I became complacient as I was trying to meet people and date. I guess I let this dealbreaker slip! Over the past few years I briefly dated a few women who smoked and it was not too bad to deal with. Then last year I met a woman online who I liked but found out the day I met her that she smoked.

  7. Why do white women love black men (dating, girlfriends, Asian ...


    I'm a "white woman". I don't "love black men". Sorry to burst your statistic there, OP. And having lived in Eastern Europe for the last 10 years, I can assure you that I am not a minority in this one. When "I" researched the statistics on white women dating black men, it came up with a 5% of the female population.

  8. BREAKING: Woman fired for refusing COVID ‘vaccine’ wins record...


    I love my party., Elections, 21 replies Woman fired for refusing to give employer her facebook password, Politics and Other Controversies, 50 replies Muslim Woman Wins $5 Million in Religious Discrimination Lawsuit Against Employer AT&T, Politics and Other Controversies, 28 replies

  9. Overheard my wife's conversation at a party (married, guys, lover...


    I really thought I knew my wife. Now I'm not so sure. We've been married almost two years. Life's been very very good.

  10. Relationships - Dating, marriage, boyfriends, girlfriends, men, women, friends, attraction ...

  11. Why do I attract single moms? - Relationships -Dating, marriage...


    Yeah, most men would rather do without the inherent baby daddy/love triangle/other guaranteed drama of dating a single mom. I’m sorry that troubles you so much, and yeah, he should state his refusal to date single moms right off the bat to avoid wasting everyone’s time. He’s looking for his type of woman, not any available woman.