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  2. Jupiter - Mythopedia


    The first is the Indo-European *dieu-/diu-, meaning “shining thing,” “sky,” or “day,” while the second is pater, the Indo-European word for “father.” Jupiter is thus the “Day Father” (sure enough, the god’s name was sometimes given in antiquity as Dispater or Diespater, which means precisely that).

  3. When a cell is displayed with an asterisk it means it's busy. It might mean that: 1) The cell is now executing; 2)or it will execute when it's turn arrives. 3)or it is not executing because the kernel was restarted or interrupted.

  4. Minerva – Mythopedia


    Fearing that Metis’ unborn child would fulfill this prophecy, Jupiter swallowed Metis and her child whole, just as Saturn had swallowed Jupiter’s brothers and sisters. Biding her time, the unborn Minerva plotted her emergence from the womb. At long last, she burst forth from Jupiter’s forehead, fully grown and ready for battle.

  5. I use Windows 7, Python 2.7.9 plus latest version of IPython 3.1. I ran %python inside an IPython Notebook and ran the cell, instead of returning the Python version, it did not run and jumped to a...

  6. Besides the original Jupyter Notebook file (.ipynb file), sometimes I get a checkpoint .ipynb file which seems to be directly linked to the original .ipynb file. What's the purpose of these checkp...

  7. kernel jupyter-notebook jupyter-kernel - Stack Overflow


    I hear and see a lot of this word "kernel" as I'm using Jupyter Notebook a bit. I just want to know what "kernel" represents in Jupyter Notebook. Is it the same meaning that we use in Operating Sys...

  8. The exclamation mark (!) executes shell commands within a Jupyter Notebook cell when you type (!) followed by a shell command, Jupyter Notebook sends the command to the shell to run, on the other hand, the percent symbol (%) is used to execute special commands, called "magic commands", that are specific to Jupyter Notebook and not valid as shell commands for example:%matplotlib inline to ...

  9. Meaning of "I love my love with an S—" in Richard Burton's "Arabian Nights" What style/Form is the Stranger's Poem in, from The Magnus Archives? Arrange 3 red balls and 33 white balls randomly in a circle.

  10. It's effectively a line number. In is an array of all of the inputs you have entered during a session, and Out is a dictionary of the results from the corresponding inputs.

  11. Juno – Mythopedia


    Greek. The Romans conceived of their Juno as a manifestation and continuation of the Greek goddess Hera. Hera was an important figure in Greek literature from the very beginning; already in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey (eighth century BCE), she appears as the wife of Zeus (Jupiter) and the queen of the gods.