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  2. Secondhand Serenade - Wikipedia


    Secondhand Serenade is the one-man band of American rock vocalist, pianist and guitarist John Vesely. Vesely has released four studio albums to date under the name Secondhand Serenade.

  3. Music | Secondhand Serenade


    Official website of acoustic rock band Secondhand Serenade led by John Vesely. Get the latest news, tour dates, music, merchandise and more!

  4. Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You - YouTube


    Music video by Secondhand Serenade performing Fall For You. (C) 2008 Glassnote Entertainment Group LLC.

  5. TOUR - Secondhand Serenade


    Official site of musician Secondhand Serenade with biography, news, audio and video, merchandize, tour dates and more.

  6. Secondhand Serenade Lyrics, Songs, and Albums - Genius


    Following in the tradition of John Ondrasiks Five for Fighting, Vesely found success as Secondhand Serenade. Before the explosion of Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, the music industry had...

  7. Secondhand SerenadeFall for You Lyrics - Genius


    First single from “A Twist in My Story”.In this Vesley who is happily in love until he appears to show some insecurity, making her think he doesn’t love her when he really does. This results in a...

  8. Secondhand SerenadeYour Call Lyrics - Genius


    Will bring life into my deepest hopes, what's your fantasy? Your Call is about waiting for anyone’s call for help in a relationship, hoping they know your always there and that your always there...

  9. Secondhand Serenade - YouTube


    OFFICIAL CHANNEL OF SECONDHAND SERENADE. Follow instagram! @SecondhandJohn.

  10. Secondhand Serenade - YouTube Music


    Secondhand Serenade is the one-man band of American rock vocalist, pianist and guitarist John Vesely. Vesely has released four studio albums to date under the name...

  11. Secondhand Serenade - Vulnerable - YouTube


    Head to http://www.upped.com/A-Twist-In-My-Story/A/B0010TMVW0.htm to get Secondhand Serenade's "A Twist In My Story"Vulnerable by Secondhand Serenade(c) 2007...