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  2. How Did Jesus Treat Women in the Bible? - Christianity


    Jesus healed these women, who already stood out in society, and they, in turn, showed their gratefulness by financially supporting His ministry. The women chose to use the unique factor that set them apart from their peers to make an impact — and get this — Jesus allowed women to bank-roll Him.

  3. How Jesus Viewed and Valued Women | Crossway Articles


    Jesus demonstrated only the highest regard for women, in both his life and teaching. He recognized the intrinsic equality of men and women, and continually showed the worth and dignity of women as persons. Jesus valued their fellowship, prayers, service, financial support, testimony and witness.

  4. 5 Times Jesus Demonstrated His Care for Women


    Here are five situations where Jesus showed deference and tenderness to women: 1. The wedding at Cana (John 2:1-12) Jesus and His new disciples were invited to attend a wedding at Cana. It had to be a pretty humble affair because the bridal party ran out of wine-a faux pas that a wealthier family would never make.

  5. 5 Ways Jesus Honored Women throughout His Time on Earth -...


    But it’s in the stories of Jesus’ interaction with women that give us a special glimpse into our Creator’s heart toward us. These interactions show the many ways women were crucial to his ministry, the beginning of the church, and the spreading of the gospel message. Here are five ways Jesus honored women:

  6. What Jesus Says About Women: You Are Not "Less Than" -...


    But, Jesus stayed in women’s homes (Mary and Martha), accepted their financial support (Joanna, Susanna; and many other women in Luke 8:3), treated them as valuable and equal, befriended them, and He accepted women as His followers unlike any known Rabbi of the day.

  7. What did Jesus say about women in the Bible? – Deseret News


    Women are present at every stage of Jesus’ life and he speaks about them positively. While the New Testament has many examples of Jesus speaking about women, there are three prominent tropes: women as disciples, women as witnesses and women who anointed Jesus.

  8. How the Gospels show that Jesus values women - ERLC


    The adult Jesus consistently weaves women into his preaching. In his first sermon, he enrages his audience with two Old Testament examples of God’s love reaching beyond the Jews: one is a woman, the other is a man (Luke 4:25–27).

  9. 4 Biblical Perspectives on Women and Gender Roles - Christianity


    While feminism is well represented within Christianity, feminists have frequently argued that the Bible relegates women to second-class status. Yet biblical teaching on women is not only defensible but is based on absolute truth.

  10. Jesus and Women - Insight for Living Ministries


    He broke through oppressive, ugly cultural rules and rescued women from painful pasts, demonic control, unfair treatment, and crippling diseases. Jesus also willingly went against the grain of acceptable religious practices.

  11. Jesus's interactions with women - Wikipedia


    Jesus's interactions with women are an important element in the theological debate about Christianity and women. Women are prominent in the story of Jesus. According to the resurrection story, the resurrected Jesus was first seen by women.