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  2. Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic


    Miscarriage is the sudden loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. About 10% to 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher. This is because many miscarriages happen early on, before people realize they're pregnant. The term miscarriage might sound as if something was amiss in the carrying of the pregnancy.

  3. Miscarriage - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic


    If you have symptoms of miscarriage, call your health care team right away. Depending on your situation, you might need urgent medical care. Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment and know what to expect.

  4. Pregnancy after miscarriage: What you need to know - Mayo Clinic


    Miscarriage is an unplanned loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. Many miscarriages happen because the fetus isn't growing as expected. Chromosomes are responsible for more than 50% of early pregnancy loss.

  5. Ectopic pregnancy - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic


    Often, the first warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy are light vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain. If blood leaks from the fallopian tube, you may feel shoulder pain or an urge to have a bowel movement. Your specific symptoms depend on where the blood collects and which nerves are irritated.

  6. Symptoms of pregnancy: What happens first - Mayo Clinic


    The most common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy might include: Missed period. If you're in your childbearing years and a week or more has passed without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, you might be pregnant.

  7. What does — and doesn’t — cause a miscarriage - Mayo Clinic Press


    Patients come to my miscarriage clinic at all stages of the process, from freshly receiving the diagnosis to seeing me weeks after it’s over. I make sure to cover the list of things that don’t cause pregnancy loss.

  8. Early miscarriage: Is stress a factor? - Mayo Clinic


    That's because many miscarriages happen very early in pregnancy, before people realize they're pregnant. Most often, early miscarriage is caused by a problem in the chromosomes that disrupts an embryo's development.

  9. Premature birth - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic


    Symptoms. Your baby may have very mild symptoms of premature birth or more-serious health problems. Some signs of being born too early include: Small size, with a head that's large compared with the body. Features that are sharper and less rounded than a full-term baby's features due to a lack of cells that store fat.

  10. Blighted ovum: What causes it? - Mayo Clinic


    You may have symptoms of early pregnancy, such as tender breasts, upset stomach and vomiting. But when the embryo stops growing and hormone levels fall, pregnancy symptoms often fade. At this point, you might have mild cramping or pelvic pain and light spotting or bleeding from the vagina.

  11. Cervical cancer - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic


    What are the symptoms? Unfortunately, the early stages of cervical cancer generally show no signs or symptoms. And this is why we emphasize getting Pap smears every three to five years and yearly pelvic exams.