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Afra'il, the guardian angel of the seventh heaven. [6] (Angel) Alheng, a prince of the righteous jinn during the reign of Solomon. [7] (Genie) Amir, jinn dwelling in houses. (Genie) Angel, heavenly spirit created out of light or fire. [8] (Angel) Artiya'il, the angel who removes grief and depression from the children of Adam. [9] (Angel)
A visual rendition of the Islamic model of the soul showing the position of "'ruh" relative to other concepts based on a consensus of 18 surveyed academic and religious experts. [1] Rūḥ or The Spirit (Arabic: الروح, al-rūḥ) is mentioned twenty one times in the Quran, where it is described as issuing from command of God. The spirit ...
As for Muslim sinners which has committed huge sins and never repented during their life, The Zabaniyah tasked to shackle them more leniently than non-Muslim, and torture them until all of their sins has paid off with the punishments inflicted, thus release them from hell and sent them all to heaven. [76] Meanwhile, for the non-Muslim, Ka'b has ...
The importance of Hell in Islamic doctrine is that it is an essential element of the Day of Judgment, which is one of the six articles of faith (belief in God, the angels, books, prophets, Day of Resurrection, and decree) "by which the Muslim faith is traditionally defined."
After the emergence of Islam, the name Azrael became popular among both Christian and Islamic literature and folklore. [citation needed] The name spelled as Ezrā’ël appears in the Classical Ethiopic version of Apocalypse of Peter (dating to the 16th century) as an angel of hell who avenges those who had been wronged during life. [11]
According to scholars Jane I. Smith, Yvonne Y. Haddad, while there are Muslims of a "philosophical or mystical" bent who interpret descriptions of heaven and hell "metaphorically", "the vast majority of believers", understand verses of the Quran on Jannah (and hellfire) "to be real and specific, anticipating them" with joy or terror, [73 ...
The name given to Hell in Islam, Jahannam, directly derives from Gehenna. [51] The Quran contains 77 references to the Islamic interpretation of Gehenna (جهنم), but does not mention Sheol / Hades as the "abode of the dead", and instead uses the word "Qabr" (قبر, meaning grave).
The name of Muhammad in Islamic calligraphy. Sufis believe the name of Muhammad is holy and sacred. Devotion to Muhammad is the strongest practice within Sufism. [104] Sufis have historically revered Muhammad as the prime personality of spiritual greatness.