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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. JRank is a new type of site search engine. It's fast, easy, accurate, and requires no installation on your web host. To date, JRank has indexed over 40 million pages! We built it on popular, open-source tools to leverage the best of existing search technology.

  3. Put a search engine on your web site to help your visitors find the content they're looking for. Completely free, lightning fast, and super-easy to use. Already a user?

  4. JRank is an easy-to-use “copy-and-paste” free site search engine that provides a user interface for webmasters to control crawl schedule and which pages are/aren't crawled.

  5. Are your visitors getting lost on your website? Put a search engine on your web site to help your visitors find the content they're looking for. Completely free, lightning fast, and super-easy to use.

  6. Cyber Crime - Computers As Targets Or Criminal Tools - Site ... -...


    Search engines like Yahoo or Dogpile use these words to categorize and display sites on a specific topic requested by online users. When users type key words into a search engine, the legitimate site appears on a list along with the bogus site.

  7. Cyberbullying, Reasons for and manifestations of cyberbullying,...


    There are numerous websites on the Internet that address these issues, and they can be easily found by any search engine. They generally suggest that any and all cyberbullying should be reported to the police when threats of violence or stalking are involved.

  8. What Is the Internet?, Surfing the Net, Making the Connection, Search Engines - Tips for Finding Information Using a Search Engine, You've Got Mail!

  9. Industrial Revolution - The Textile Industry - JRank


    The Textile Industry. Prior to the mid-eighteenth century, textile manufacture in Great Britain (and the rest of the world) was an activity that took place almost exclusively in private homes. Families would obtain thread from wholesale outlets and then produce cloth by hand in their own houses. Beginning in the 1730s, however, a number of ...

  10. Computer Science - Relationships To Other Disciplines


    In short, high-performance computing has fundamentally changed the way biologists do science; parallel computing systems have enabled high-throughput genome analysis; and modern search engines are allowing access to unprecedented amounts of biological data.

  11. Doppler Effect - Doppler Effect In Sound Waves - JRank


    The sound waves move in the same direction of the train's motion. The train is chasing or crowding its waves up front, compressing them, so that the listener in front of the direction of its movement hears more waves per second, thus producing the effect of a higher frequency.