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  2. John 1:41 - Wikipedia


    Euthymius the Great comments on this portion saying that these words of Andrew are "the speech of one who is very glad; We have found Him whom we sought, whom we hoped should come, whom the Scriptures announced", while Bede notes, "No one finds but he who seeks: he who says that he has found shows that he had been a long while seeking."

  3. John 1:3 - Wikipedia


    The context of the verse is the passage in John 1:1-18, Hymn to the Word dealing with the divinity, incarnation and authority of Jesus. Most Christian scholars agree that these words teach us, that all created things, visible, or invisible, were made by this eternal word, that is the Son of God. [ 1 ]

  4. John 1 - Wikipedia


    the Word and the Word made flesh (John 1:1, 14), identified by the Christian theology with the second divine person of the Most Holy Trinity; the Son of God (John 1:34,49) and the Unigenitus Son of God and the Nicene Creed) the Lamb of God (John 1:29,36) Rabbi, meaning Teacher or Master (John 1:38,49) the Messiah, or the Christ

  5. John 1:4 - Wikipedia


    Bede: "The Evangelist having said that every creature was made by the Word, lest perchance any one might think that His will was changeable, as though He willed on a sudden to make a creature, which from eternity he had not made; he took care to show that, though a creature was made in time, in the Wisdom of the Creator it had been from eternity arranged what and when He should create."

  6. John 1:32 - Wikipedia


    Chrysostom: "John having made a declaration, so astonishing to all his hearers, viz. that He, whom he pointed out, did of Himself take away the sins of the world, confirms it by a reference to the Father and the Holy Spirit.

  7. John 1:36 - Wikipedia


    John does not however speak to his disciples alone, but publicly in the presence of all. And so, undertaking to follow Christ, through this instruction common to all, they remained thenceforth firm, following Christ for their own advantage, not as an act of favour to their masterx.

  8. John 1:49 - Wikipedia


    Still, he appears to be alluding to Psalm 2, "Yet have I set My King upon My holy hill of Zion. I will declare His precept: the Lord said to Me, You are My Son, today have I begotten You." It is believed that he may have been influenced in this remark by Philip who would have learned the nature of Christ from John the Baptist. [1] [2]

  9. John 1:31 - Wikipedia


    By, "I did not know him," John seems to be saying "do not think I affirm Jesus to be the Messiah for the sake of friendship, as if he were a friend; for I say I knew Him not. That is I never saw Him, before His baptism." Although notably John did perceive Him in his mother's womb. [1]