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Health care jobs are in demand in 2025 — one of the top roles can pay $385,000. The health sector holds many of the best job opportunities for workers in 2025, due to factors like high labor ...
Facility management [1] or facilities management (FM) is a professional discipline focused on coordinating the use of space, infrastructure, people, and organization.. Facilities management ensures that physical assets and environments are managed effectively to meet the needs of the
Maintenance, and hence maintenance engineering, is increasing in importance due to rising amounts of equipment, systems, machineries and infrastructure. Since the Industrial Revolution , devices, equipment, machinery and structures have grown increasingly complex, requiring a host of personnel, vocations and related systems needed to maintain ...
The third engineer or second assistant engineer is usually in charge of boilers, fuel, auxiliary engines, condensate and feed systems, and is the third most senior marine engineer on board. Depending on usage, "the Second" or "the Third" is also typically in charge of fueling (a.k.a. bunkering), granted the officer holds a valid Person In ...
A second engineer or first assistant engineer is a licensed member of the engineering department on a merchant vessel. This title is used for the person on a ship responsible for supervising the daily maintenance and operation of the engine department.
Related jobs Scientist , project manager , inventor A technician is a worker in a field of technology who is proficient in the relevant skill and technique, [ 1 ] with a relatively practical understanding of the theoretical principles.
related to: maintenance assistant has been visited by 100K+ users in the past month