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  2. Government of Indonesia - Wikipedia


    Guided Democracy (Indonesian: Demokrasi Terpimpin) was the political system in place in Indonesia from 1959 until the New Order began in 1966. It was the brainchild of President Sukarno, and was an attempt to bring about political stability. Sukarno believed that Western-style democracy was inappropriate for Indonesia's situation.

  3. Wawasan Nusantara - Wikipedia


    Modern Wawasan Nusantara, the Indonesian archipelagic baselines pursuant to article 47, paragraph 9, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Wawasan Nusantara, or Indonesian Archipelagic Vision, is the national vision of Indonesia towards their people, nation, and territory of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia (including its land and sea as well as the air ...

  4. Liberal democracy period in Indonesia - Wikipedia


    The Liberal Democracy period in Indonesia (Indonesian: Demokrasi Liberal), also known as the Era of Parliamentary Democracy, was a period in Indonesian political history, when the country was under a liberal democratic system. During this period, Indonesia held its first and only free and fair legislative election until 1999, but also saw ...

  5. Constitution of Indonesia - Wikipedia


    Jimly Asshiddiqie (2005), Konstitusi dan Konstitutionalisme Indonesia (Indonesia Constitution and Constitutionalism), MKRI, Jakarta. Jimly Asshiddiqie (1994), Gagasan Kedaulatan Rakyat dalam Konstitusi dan Pelaksanaannya di Indonesia (The Idea of People's Sovereignty in the Constitution), Ichtiar Baru - van Hoeve, Jakarta, ISBN 979-8276-69-8.

  6. Pancasila (politics) - Wikipedia


    Further, the first sila of the Jakarta Charter and the Preamble of the Constitution of Indonesia of 1945, being the first of the original sila of Sukarno, was amended to read "Ketuhanan dengan kewajiban menjalankan syariah Islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya" ("The one divinity with the obligation for its Muslim adherents to carry out Sharia law").

  7. Indonesian language - Wikipedia


    Karena semua dibiayai menggunakan dana negara jutaan rupiah, baginda maharaja bijaksana, sang mahaguru sastra bahasa Kawi, mahasiswa-mahasiswi perguruan swasta, duta-duta negeri mitra dan suami/istrinya, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, karyawan-karyawati perusahaan ketenaga kerjaan, bupati budiman, beserta anggota lembaga nirlaba kewanitaan ...

  8. Post-Suharto era in Indonesia - Wikipedia


    The Reformasi of 1998 led to changes in Indonesia's various governmental institutions, including the structures of the judiciary, legislature, and executive office. Generally, the fall of Suharto in 1998 is traced from events starting in 1996, when forces opposed to the New Order began to rally around Megawati Sukarnoputri , head of the PDI and ...

  9. Indonesian Democratic Party - Wikipedia


    The Indonesian Democratic Party (Indonesian: Partai Demokrasi Indonesia, abbr. PDI) was a political party in Indonesia which existed from 1973 to 2003. During the New Order era, the PDI was one of the two state-approved parties, the other being the Islam-based United Development Party (PPP).