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The US dollar pulled back a bit during the day on Wednesday as fears creeped back into the market. It’s more of the same though, it’s the European selling and the Americans looking to find ...
The US dollar has rallied during the trading session on Friday to break above the ¥110 level. At this point, it looks like we are going to continue to see upward momentum.
The US dollar has struggled a bit against the Japanese yen on Friday. With that being the case, it is likely that we will continue to go lower from here. USD/JPY Price Forecast – US Dollar Pulls ...
The US dollar when sideways against Japanese yen for the most part during the trading session on Monday. At this point, it looks like the market is trying to figure out what is going to do about ...
The US dollar rallied a bit during the trading session on Wednesday as we are approaching the resistance barrier that starts at the ¥106 level. USD/JPY Price Forecast – US Dollar Continues to ...
The US dollar has been all over the place against the Japanese yen during the trading session on Wednesday, as we continue to go back and forth around the ¥107 level. USD/JPY Price Forecast ...
The US dollar has rallied slightly during the first few hours of the week, showing signs of recovery against the Japanese yen. USD/JPY Price Forecast – US Dollar Trying to Retain Uptrend Against Yen
The US dollar continues to grind around against the Japanese yen, as it looks like we are trying to form a base for longer-term move. There has been a lot of technical damage, but at this point it ...