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  2. 30-30 vs 44 mag lever - The High Road


    Close in, the 44 can shoot a heavier bullet. Out west .30-30 ruled the roost, the 44 was for close in eastern brush deer. .45/70 and .444 wasn't selling like hotcakes and Marlin offered a alternative. It didn't feed well in the 336 action and in 1969 they redesigned the 1894 action for 44 mag, which was a lighter rifle.

  3. The High Road


    45.4K Messages 838.9K. S. Mid-range ammo choice for .357 woods defense? ... 1861 Armi-Sport Springfield ...

  4. Cutting Edge 10mm and .45 HG Solid Bullets | The High Road


    I had the opportunity to shoot some Cutting Edge .45 ACP and 10mm solid copper bullets in some Clear Ballistics Gel. Test pistols were a Colt Delta Elite in 10mm and a Colt 1991 in .45 ACP with 5-inch barrels. Two shot each into four 16 inch blocks of Clear Gel. The first round out of the 10mm...

  5. Are 9mm glock mags and 45 acp glock mags the same size?


    Yes. 9/40/357 doublestack glock mags are the same dimensions and 10/45 doublestack glock mags are the same dimensions. the 10/45 mags are quite a bit larger than the "regular" glock mags. Reactions: Demi-human and Stationary Smell

  6. Lever action rifle magazine capcity and shorter ammo


    I decided to line up some ammunition tonight and see how many more shorter cartridges I could fit into a tubular magazine over standard cartridges like .357 and .45 Colt. I could fit 13 rounds of .45 ACP length ammo in the same space as 10 rounds of .45 Colt. Depending on OAL, maybe 14 rounds could fit in a 10 shot .45 Colt tubular magazine.

  7. .45 acp primer pockets? | The High Road


    All, I'm at wits end. I reload my .45 .acps and about 2% of them fail to fire. The primer shows a dimple, so there was a primer strike. More over, this happens on both my .45's (meaning it's not a gun problem). I suspect the primers aren't fully seated (using Federal primers in range...

  8. .45 ACP for Carbines | Page 2 | The High Road


    Warm but not stupid Okay, I just cranked 9.0 gr of PP into QuickLoad and it says you're still under 23000 PSI - the limit for .45ACP +P loads unless you're compressing your loads. If you're cartridge overall length is around 1.275, you should be using about 75% of the available powder...

  9. 45 lc or 9mm? - The High Road


    Typically I would say go with the .45 Colt but as Good Ol' Boy so aptly pointed out, if your more proficient with a 9mm. semi-auto then you might be better served by going with that. My own choices would run to a Ruger Redhawk in .41 Magnum or .45 Colt, or else a Glock G20 or G29 in 10mm.

  10. 45 acp Hornady brass primer problem | The High Road


    Ammunition, Gear, and Firearm Help. Handloading and Reloading

  11. Please stop hunting with 220gr 300 BLK subsonic | The High Road


    Looking at the .300 AAC Blackout ballistics I see: (bullet weight at velocity for impact energy) 125 gr at 2,215 ft/sec for 1,360 ft/lb (standard) 220 gr at 1,010 ft/sec for 498 ft/lb (subsonic). Historically I have read: The .32 Winchester Self-loading cartridge for the Winchester Model 1905 Rifle