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Appellate court or court of last resort (vs. iudex a quo) iudex a quo: Lower court from which an appeal originates; originating court (vs. iudex ad quem) iura novit curia: the court knows the law The principle that the parties to a legal dispute do not need to plead or prove the law that applies to their case. ius accrescendi: right of accrual
A court does not care about small, trivial things. A case must have some importance in order for a court to hear it. See "de minimis non curat praetor". Also used as an adjective: "The court found that the alleged conduct was de minimis." de minimis non curat praetor: The commander does not care about the smallest things.
In full; at full length; complete or unabridged in extremis: in the furthest reaches: At the very end. In extremity; in dire straits; also "at the point of death" (cf. in articulo mortis). in facie: in the face: Refers to contempt of court committed in open court in front of the judge; contrast ex facie. in fide scientiam: To our faith add ...
literally translated means 'with a strong hand', often quoted as 'by strength of hand' Motto of the Clan McKay manu militari: with a military hand: Using armed forces in order to achieve a goal manu propria (m.p.) with one's own hand: With the implication of "signed by one's hand".
Said of a request, usually by a court, that must be complied with on pain of punishment. Examples include sub poena duces tecum ("take with you under penalty"), a court summons to appear and produce tangible evidence, and sub poena ad testificandum ("under penalty to testify"), a summons to appear and give oral testimony. sub rosa: under the rose
Found on the Leeds coat of arms. pro rege, lege et grege: for king, the law and the people: Found on the coat of arms of Perth, Scotland. pro se: for oneself: to defend oneself in court without counsel. Some jurisdictions prefer, "pro per". pro scientia atque sapientia: for knowledge and wisdom: motto of Stuyvesant High School in New York City ...
strength through loyalty: Motto of St Kilda Football Club: fortunae meae, multorum faber: artisan of my fate and that of several others: motto of Gatineau: fraus omnia vitiat: fraud vitiates everything: a legal principle: the occurrence or taint of fraud in a (legal) transaction entirely invalidates it Frustra legis auxilium quaerit qui in ...
Intelligence Corps: Manui dat cognitio vires (Latin for "knowledge gives strength to the arm") Parachute Regiment: Utrinque paratus (Latin for "ready for anything") Royal Artillery: Quo fas et gloria ducunt (Latin for "where duty and glory lead") and ubique (Latin for "everywhere") Royal Corps of Signals: Certa cito (Latin for "swift and sure")