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  2. The wife's night out at the concert... - Talk About Marriage


    So the wife went to a big outdoor concert with her sister, brother in law, his mother, sister and niece. They all rode together So after 45 minutes at the concert grounds the wife runs into a guy who's a friend of a friend of a friend and never said more than 5 words to ever.

  3. questions about "girls night out" - Talk About Marriage


    This is why I have never went out to a bar, ladies night or not. I know i get more expressive, loose, ect when drinking so I do so at home with hubby and NOT with anyone else. As far as ladies night out.. when I've ever done something like that it was with a group of females going to one of their apartments and watching pride and prejudice.

  4. Wife & "Girls Night Out" .. Is It Me? - Talk About Marriage


    2. start going out on "boys nights out" with your buddies (if you don't have buddies to hang with, pretend that you do and go out by yourself anyway) 3. continue to be a good father and normal husband, but act as if the girls night out no longer bothers you because you got your own game goin' on. Try this for a month and then get back to us.

  5. The girls night out debacle... - Talk About Marriage


    Girls Nights Out with other men besides their husbands is another thing. If it involves flirting, drinking, dancing and out all night at some unspecified place it is a problem for a lot of us guys. It is not the same is going on a fishing trip with the guys unless the guys brought some single women along who were looking for some sex.

  6. Wife going for a weekend away without me? | Talk About Marriage


    They are living in a fantasy world and the longer she is in it, the harder it is to break out. The only way to destroy this fantasy is with reality. You should be singing like a canary right now. You should write out a list of things that have to be met in order for you to take your wife back. Then she needs to choose right then in the moment.

  7. Confronted wife last night and am now lost as to what to do.


    As a wife she does not go out with other men, she does not travel with other men and she does not hang out with a women with no moral who has cheated on her husband. This is not giving her space to work out being 40, this is letting her step on your face and no one especially not a woman who you are being loving with should be allowed to do this.

  8. Wife decided to go to a bachelorette party | Talk About Marriage


    (and having to find out all sorts of other issues about them). And I'm not talking about being a doormat, putting up with abuse, not manning/womanning up or anything like that (if she were hitting the bachelorette parties every weekend and flipping you the bird as she walked out the door - that would be a different matter).

  9. Wife came home drunk again - Talk About Marriage


    As someone who had to move out on TWO alcoholic husbands - both now dead - I will tell you what I did to protect myself. I saw my attorney. I both cases, I waited until both weren't home for the day. I lined up movers who got all my stuff out while the exes were gone. That same day, I took out what was rightfully mine from the bank accounts.

  10. my wife recently staying out very late with girlfriend


    Once my wife's friend became single they started hanging out more and more. I didnt mind it at first becuase they would do daytime stuff together. But recently they have been going out together every weekend, eihter friday or saturday night till very late, often not making it home to after midnight, or even 2-3am.

  11. girls night out - Talk About Marriage


    Don't get me wrong, I have a girlfriend who I have know for 30 years, and another I have known for a few years. Both live opposite ends of the state, and I see/hear from them only so often. The gal pal who I want to go out on a "girls night out" shows all the signs of becoming a really good friend.