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  2. PICO-8 Fantasy Console


    Create a whole game or program in one sitting without needing to leave the cosy development environment! Shareable Cartridges PICO-8 cartridges can be saved in a special .png format and sent directly to other users, shared with anyone via a web cart player, or exported to stand-alone HTML5, Windows, Mac and Linux apps.

  3. PICO-8 Fantasy Console - Lexaloffle


    PICO-8 is a fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.

  4. Celeste - Lexaloffle


    Good level design. Some of these strawberries are really interesting. I also liked how you teach which buttons are important by prompting them to start the game. However, whenever the dust effect is visible (and maybe some other effects), the framerate goes down enormously. Later levels are hardly possible for me under these conditions.

  5. Suika Game Demake - Lexaloffle


    Updated the game with more performant and accurate circle collision physics, which takes less toll on the PICO-8 CPU budget (which reduces the risk of glitching). Physics tweaked to not launch the fruit to the stratosphere (hopefully). It also has some updated graphics, music and wiki texts among other small changes.

  6. PICOHOT - Lexaloffle


    Best Pico-8 Raycaster. Amazing, really solid game. The Raycasting effects are the best I've seen on pico-8, and I love the quake-like effects it shows when you pick up a gun. It is great that you guys made pico-8 popular with SuperHot fans. This really makes me revisit oculus SuperHot.

  7. If you have troubles regarding uploading the game on itch.io, that is you can't make the game run on the page, this little guide could help you. 13. First you have to export the game as html, to do that you press escape in PICO-8 to go to the command line and you type "export <name>.html". This will generate a <name>.html file and a <name>.js ...

  8. Top-Down Adventure Game Tutorial - Lexaloffle


    PICO-8 Top-Down Adventure Game Tutorial - Bonus Step - More Tile Types. Ah, this was a problem in S2 - to define multiple objects. What I did there was give a 3-character attribute to each graphic tile. In some cases the first character denoted a possible 99 definitions, "#00-#99" for signs and messages.

  9. PICO-8 Manual - Lexaloffle


    PICO-8 is a fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs. When you turn it on, the machine greets you with a shell for typing in Lua programs and provides simple built-in tools for creating sprites, maps and sound.

  10. Birds With Guns (100 000th post!) - Lexaloffle


    I love this game. All the different characters are so cute and the twin-stick gameplay is just perfect. When I started the game I liked the flamethrower, but now I love the gatling gun. A little shout out to the sound effects, making good gun and explosion sound effects is not easy in Pico-8 and these are really good.

  11. PICO-8 Education Edition for Web - Lexaloffle


    If you are new to PICO-8 you can find a manual and tutorials on the main site, or click on the blue bunny for some tips. Here's a 2-minute GIF showing the creaton of a simple PICO-8 cartridge from scatch: In addition to the standard 32k .p8.png cartridges, PICO-8 Education Edition also comes with a new cartridge format: the URL CARTRIDGE.