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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. Purple Yam, Violet Yam, Ube, Ubi - Dave's Garden


    Check out the largest plant identification database in the world. Read plant and insect reference guides at Daves Garden.

  3. Ornamental Yam - Dave's Garden


    Check out the largest plant identification database in the world. Read plant and insect reference guides at Daves Garden.

  4. Check out the largest plant identification database in the world. Read plant and insect reference guides at Daves Garden.

  5. A thread in the PlantFiles Pictures forum, titled Elephant Foot Yam, Peony Leaf Voodoo Lily, Voodoo Lily, White Spot Giant Arum (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius)

  6. More than a Thanksgiving tradition, sweet potatoes can also be an ornamental plant, adding terrific color and texture to your containers! Ornamental sweet potato plants aren't exactly cheap to buy,...

  7. A thread in the PlantFiles Pictures forum, titled Elephant Foot Yam, Peony Leaf Voodoo Lily, Voodoo Lily 'Gajendra' (Amorphophallu

  8. Elephant Foot Yam, Peony Leaf Voodoo Lily, Voodoo Lily...


    A thread in the PlantFiles Pictures forum, titled Elephant Foot Yam, Peony Leaf Voodoo Lily, Voodoo Lily (Amorphophallus paeoniifo

  9. Common name: Elephant Foot Yam, Peony Leaf Voodoo Lily, Voodoo Lily ''Gajendra'' Family: Araceae Genus: Amorphophallus

  10. Elephant Foot Yam, Peony Leaf Voodoo Lily, Voodoo Lily 'Gajendra' Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Amorphophallus paeoniifolius close up of trunk/stem - leopard spots - Brooksville, FL 2004

  11. Any idea what is eating my sweet potato vine? - Dave's Garden


    A thread in the Garden Pests and Diseases forum, titled Any idea what is eating my sweet potato vine?