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  2. Clear cache & cookies - Computer - Google Account Help


    On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click More Delete browsing data. Choose a time range, like Last hour or All time. Select the types of information you want to remove. Click Delete data. If you delete cookies while signed in to Chrome, you won't be signed out of your Google Account. Tips:

  3. Vider le cache et supprimer les cookies - Google Help


    Si vous activez la synchronisation dans Chrome, vous resterez connecté au compte Google avec lequel vous effectuez la synchronisation afin que vos données soient supprimées sur tous vos appareils. Certains sites peuvent sembler plus lents, car leur contenu, comme les images, doit de nouveau être chargé. Fonctionnement du cache et des cookies

  4. Delete browsing data in Chrome - Computer - Google Help


    On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click More Delete browsing data. Choose a time range, like Last hour or All time. Select the types of information you want to remove. Click Delete data. If you delete cookies while signed in to Chrome, you won't be signed out of your Google Account. Tips:

  5. Clear cache & cookies - Android - Google Account Help


    If you're signed into Chrome, you'll stay signed in on Google's websites, like google.com and youtube.com. How cache & cookies work. Cookies are files created by sites you visit. They make your online experience easier by saving browsing data. The cache remembers parts of pages, like images, to help them open faster during your next visit.

  6. How to Automatically Clear Browsing Data When Closing Google...


    Clearing them helps reduce the number of personalized ads you encounter, creating a more neutral and less intrusive browsing experience. How can you enable clearing browsing data automatically when closing your Google Chrome windows? The feature you are looking for exists in the Google Chrome web browser; however, it is hidden within the Chrome ...

  7. Limpar o cache e os cookies - Computador - Ajuda da Conta do...


    Depois que você limpa o cache e os cookies: algumas configurações nos sites são excluídas Por exemplo, se a sua conta estava conectada, será necessário fazer login de novo. Se você ativar a sincronização no Google Chrome, a Conta do Google sincronizada vai continuar conectada para excluir dados de todos os seus dispositivos.

  8. Clear cache & cookies - iPhone & iPad - Google Account Help


    To sign out of your Google Account on all websites, sign out of Chrome. To quickly reach the Delete browsing data dialog, in the address bar, type “Delete browsing data” and then tap the Action chip. Learn Chrome Actions to quickly complete tasks. You can also delete your browsing history when you tap More History Delete Browsing Data….

  9. Svuotare le cache e cancellare i cookie - Computer - Google Help


    Apri Chrome sul computer. In alto a destra, fai clic su Altro Elimina dati di navigazione. Scegli un intervallo di tempo, ad esempio Ultima ora o Dall'inizio. Seleziona i tipi di dati che vuoi rimuovere. Fai clic su Elimina dati. Se elimini i cookie dopo aver eseguito l'accesso a Chrome, non verrà eseguita la disconnessione dal tuo Account Google.

  10. Menghapus cache & cookie - Komputer - Bantuan Akun Google


    Jika Anda menghapus cookie saat login ke Chrome, Anda tidak akan logout dari Akun Google Anda. Tips: Untuk logout dari Akun Google Anda di semua situs, logout dari Chrome. Di kolom URL, untuk membuka dengan cepat dialog Hapus data penjelajahan, ketik “Hapus data penjelajahan”, lalu ketuk Chip tindakan.

  11. (ctrl h, etc.), the cache + cookies, which are what I'm usually trying to delete, seem to be cleared, but not always. Sometimes, if I completely close Chrome (all windows, that is) then reactivate it from my desktop, the Clear Browsing Data mechanism will run smoothly for its customary clearing session, from start to finish.