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To use one of these, press edit above, and copy the name of the menu you want to use (but without the curly brackets) and paste it into the search box to the left and press "Go". Then press edit again and select and copy the whole page (using ctrl-C). Then create a new page called User:USERNAME/Menu, and paste what you copied to there. Edit it ...
The glTF format stores data primarily in JSON. The JSON may also contain blobs of binary data known as buffers, and refer to external files, for storing mesh data, images, etc. [7] The binary .glb format also contains JSON text, but serialized with binary chunk headers to allow blobs to be directly appended to the file.
Lottie is based in JSON but Lottie files use keys of 1–2 characters in length and are not readable by humans. It is intended as a lighter alternative to animated GIFs and APNG files for use in the web and mobile and desktop applications.
Glaxnimate saves animations using a custom JSON-based format, but it also supports loading and saving animated SVG, Lottie, Android Vector Drawables, and After Effects Project files (.aep).
As a superset of JSON, Ion includes the following data types null: An empty value; bool: Boolean values; string: Unicode text literals; list: Ordered heterogeneous collection of Ion values; struct: Unordered collection of key/value pairs; The nebulous JSON 'number' type is strictly defined in Ion to be one of int: Signed integers of arbitrary size
HarmonyOS and OpenHarmony-based operating systems uses “config.json” configuration file in the root directory of each HAP application. It contains three modules such as app, deviceConfig and Module. The config.json file adheres to the JSON file format, where each entry comprises an attribute and its corresponding value. The sequence of ...
JSON-LD is designed around the concept of a "context" to provide additional mappings from JSON to an RDF model. The context links object properties in a JSON document to concepts in an ontology. In order to map the JSON-LD syntax to RDF, JSON-LD allows values to be coerced to a specified type or to be tagged with a language.
JSON Feed is a Web feed file format for Web syndication in JSON instead of XML as used by RSS and Atom. [1] A range of software libraries and web frameworks support content syndication via JSON Feed. [2] Supporting clients include NetNewsWire, NewsBlur, [3] ReadKit and Reeder.