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Cushman Truckster- $2800 90’s model 3 wheel, 2528 hours 22 HP OMC, 3 speed w/ reverse 2 speed transfer case, hydraulic dump bed, manual PTO shaft I picked up this Truckster about 4 years ago to work around the house. It needed attention so i did the following.. ENGINE Changed oil and filter Replaced air filter Replaced spark plugs and wires
Keihin carb on 1986 Turf-Truckster: Gas golf carts: tire question for now, for a 1986 turf truckster: Gas golf carts: New project, Cushman Turf Truckster: Gas golf carts: 72 cushman truckster (4 wheeled) Golf Carts and Parts: cushman turf-truckster: Gas golf carts
The correct Cushman version of the wheel cylinders cost me $24.95 each a year ago. I bought mine through the local forklift repair shop. It helps if you have a parts list and can give them the Cushman part number for what you need. I bought a new master cylinder off-the-shelf for $14.95 from them too.
The rebuild kits for the Ford cylinders are a perfect fit in the Cushman cylinders, but by now the original Cushman cylinders are so rusted and pitted that rebuilding is impossible. I bought new Cushman wheel cylinders from for about the same price as the Ford cylinders. The master brake cylinder seems to have been used in ...
The 3 wheel Trucksters had a wide flat tank behind the differential and way at the back end of the chassis. I have also seen a Truckster with the gas tank on the right side of the chassis behind the cab, and kind of opposite where my tank is located.
Hey guys! My grandpa and me recently bought a 1999 Cushman Truckster! Its pretty nice. Has 4 wheels, a cab, heat, the whole 9 yards! I test drove it for the first time and thought "Geez, this thing could probably rip a tree outta the ground with this low gearing". The low gears are nice... if you wanna tow something heavy. I want some speed!
Re: 1960's cushman truckster ignition problem Hello my name is Jack from New Jersey area, South Jersey and I would like to get some help on my Cushman truckster 3 wheel and the plugs are down low on the motor.
Cushman makes a tool for removing Brake Drums and it costs $8.00 and can be purchased from Dennis Carpenter or any of his Cushman parts dealers. Just search for Cushman Parts Dealers. Your remove the nut from the axle and replace it with a special nut which is about 3 inches long... bottom out the nut on the axle (thats so you don't ruin the ...
Cushman 27HP 3-Wheel Turf Chassis Gas golf ... My 1980 Cushman Turf Truckster: Gas golf carts: cushman ...
Re: Solid state ignition for Cushman Truckster Your modification removes the high current flow from the points by using a solid state driver to drive the coil. This will certainly make the points last longer, but the very low current then flowing through the points will not be sufficient to burn off any tarnish or dirt build-up on the point ...