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Another catalyst for collecting your retired-worker benefit as early as possible is the Social Security Board of Trustees forecasting an exhaustion of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust ...
3. You Need To Pay Down Debt. There are some debts you need to tackle before you retire. If you have high-interest debt, claiming Social Security early can help you pay the debt down.
Calculating your Social Security benefit The average monthly Social Security benefit for a retired worker is $1,909 (as of January 2024). But that number could be much less if you don’t work and ...
Upon turning 62, you qualify to receive early Social Security benefits. But if you do so, the SSA pays out only reduced benefits until you reach full retirement age (FRA).
The average Social Security benefit for retirees at age 70 is much higher than the average payout at age 62. ... claiming retirement benefits too early. Read on to see the average Social Security ...
Social Security retirement benefits are reduced by 5/9 of 1% for each month you file before full retirement age. However, that reduction only applies to those claiming within 36 months of full ...
The more money you earn from your job, the more you pay in Social Security payroll taxes -- at least until you exceed the $176,100 cap on this tax for 2025. ... Claiming early might be wise if you ...
Say you were on track for the average Social Security benefit of $1,976 monthly in 2025. A 30% cut to benefits would bring that down to $1,383.20 if you got your first payment at 62 when your FRA ...