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The rule will also apply to refunds of checked-bag fees if the bag isn’t delivered within 12 hours for domestic flights or 15 to 30 hours for international flights.
More than 15-30 hours baggage deliver delay for international flight, depending on flight length Another change is the condition of the refund. By "automatic," the DOT means passengers won't need ...
They are entitled to a refund if their luggage is not delivered within 12 hours of a domestic flight arriving at its gate, or within 15-30 hours of an international flight arriving, depending on ...
In this case, a significant delay means the bag was not delivered within 12 hours of the passenger's domestic flight arriving at its gate, or 15 to 30 for international flights - depending on the ...
Q: I made two flight reservations on a few months ago [before the airline's merger with American], which I canceled within 24 hours. The receipts said that a full refund would be ...
Airlines in the United States are now required to give passengers cash refunds if their flight is significantly delayed or canceled, even if that person does not explicitly ask for a refund.
A federal rule announced Wednesday will require airlines to quickly give cash refunds — without lengthy arguments — to passengers whose flights have been canceled or seriously delayed, the ...
Delta Air Lines clearly outlines its steps to cancel refundable and nonrefundable tickets and apply for a refund. Cancellation fees start at $99, though some "main cabin and above" tickets are exempt.