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Results from the WOW.Com Content Network /en /programs /global-water-security-sanitation-partnership The Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership ( GWSP ), formerly the Water and Sanitation Program , is a trust fund administered by the World Bank geared at improving the accessibility and infrastructure of water and sanitation for underdeveloped countries.
WSP USA, formerly Parsons Brinckerhoff, is an American multinational engineering and design firm. [1] The firm operates in the fields of strategic consulting, planning, engineering, construction management, energy, infrastructure and community planning.
WSP Global Inc. is a Canadian consulting firm working mostly in the built environment. It was created in 2012, following Montreal-based Genivar 's takeover of British firm WSP Group plc. It is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange .
Community portal; Recent changes; ... CRD or crd may refer to: Documents. EU Capital Requirements Directive, for financial services; Central Registration Depository ...
The answer to this question is two-fold at this point, with Woods's status for TGL matches and the status of his 2025 PGA Tour debut ahead of The Masters in April on different wavelengths.
Opus's origins can be traced to the Ministry of Works and Development, a New Zealand government entity that was established in 1876.The Ministry was corporatised in 1988 and became Works and Development Services Corporation, a state-owned enterprise, with its consultancy subsidiary known as Works Consultancy Services Corporation NZ Limited.
The new CRD IV package entered into force on 17 July 2013: this updated CRD simply transposes into EU law the latest global standards on bank capital adequacy commonly known as Basel III, which builds on and expands the existing Basel II regulatory base. CRD IV commonly refers to both the EU Directive 2013/36/EU and the EU Regulation 575/2013. [1]
Washington State Patrol, the state police agency for the U.S. state of Washington; Wasserschutzpolizei, the German water police; Water and Sanitation Program, a trust fund administered by the World Bank geared at improving access to water and sanitation